A legendary figure in French design, Pierre Paulin reached the height of celebrity with his interiors of George Pompidou’s Elysee and his furniture display at the Louvre. A champion of unified design,...
Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) is now universally acclaimed: museumspride themselves on his paintings, crowds flock to his retrospectives. Hiswork shows art at its most light-hearted, sensual and l...
This book compiles spectacular photography of the Caen-based author,film-maker and photographer taken during his two stays in Japan. Born 1965in Rouen, Pierre Faure first went to Japan in 2003 as part...
As sweet as raspberry ripple, as tempting as popcorn: welcome to the seductive photographs of , and everything fabulous. Bizarre and full of obscure significance, glitter, flowers, and hearts, the por...
Podobno przeciwieństwa się przyciągają. Pierre jest zdystansowanym od świata introwertykiem, a Raimundo kochającym życie optymistą. Pierre nie ma najlepszych kontaktów ze swoimi snobistycznymi rodzi...
W jaskiniach Pierre Saint-Martin toczy się walka na śmierć i życie garstki grotołazów z bezlitosną przyrodą. Dopiero trzeci atak doprowadza do zdobycia jaskiń. Przygody mrożące krew w żyłach, tru...
The secrets behind the work of chameleon designer Pierre Yves Rochon, whohas devoted thirty years to the quest for "absolute comfort." Is there asignature Rochon style? At first, it is difficult to te...
Pierre, labiryntowy detektyw, ma sprawę do rozwiązania! Pan X, znany też jako złodziej-widmo, skradł z muzeum Kamień Chaosu, który wszystko przemienia w labirynt. Czy możesz odpowiedzieć na wyzwani...
'L'hypocrisie est un vice a la mode, et tous les vices a la mode passent pour vertus' : voila comment Dom Juan se justifie aupres de son valet Sganarelle, scandalisĂŠ de voir son maĂŽtre tromper tout ...
La formation du corpus pseudo-clĂŠmentin constitue, selon les termes don a parfois appelĂŠ le premier roman.
This short critical introduction to Pierre Bourdieu's thought is a model of clarity and insight. Where Bourdieu's own writings are often complex, even ambiguous, Richard Jenkins is direct, concise and...
Pierre Bourdieu was a brilliant sociologist and social thinker; he was also an intensely political man whose work was of profound significance for the way we think about democratic politics. This impo...
Persuadée que les Martiens l'appellent et l'attendent, Elinn prend le risque insensé de traverser seule le portail vers la planète inconnue. Arrivée de l'autre côté, elle s'écroule, terrassée par une ...
Here is six decades of creativity collected and secured in book form. This sumptuously produced volume is the first complete retrospective of Pierre Cardin, the veteran French designer who has beeen a...