“オレたちの夏、夢はキラキラして、まぶしくて、切なかった。” そこは山と畑に囲まれたド田舎の片隅。 2人は出会い、傷付き、そして現実を知る。 この世界のどこかで“本当の自分”でいられる場所を求めた少年達の、 今、一番伝えたい青春ストーリー。
“女装が好き、オトコが好き、 それは口に出来ない一夏の秘密。 オトナが泣けるゲイ男子の青春。” 女装に興味がある、同性が好き、"人とはどこか違う" …口に出来なかった悩みを打ち明ける事で クラスのいじめられっ子だった三島といじめっ子だった桐野は固い絆で結ばれる。 しかし束の間の平和は、三島が社会科の教師・柳田(やなぎだ)に 目をつけられてしまった事からガラガラと崩れ始める。 小さな田舎町に駆...
Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better Why do we mistrust people more in the UK than in Japan? Why do Americans have higher rates of teenage pregnancy than the French? What makes the Swedish...
Happy haunted holidays: ghostgirl is back in an all-new novella!This eBook novella continues the New York Times bestselling ghostgirl series by Tonya Hurley.
Written from the perspective of a participant observer, this is critical history in the Nietzschean sense. At no point naively optimistic about the chances for success, it nonetheless aims at reviving...
The birth of an academic discipline is a rare event. Even more extraordinary is academia's acknowledgment that spirituality has scholarly as well as personal dimensions. Inquiry and dialogue are the e...
This book is about the boisterous beginnings of the American pentecostal movement and the ideas that defined it during its formative years. It focuses on the movement's most articulate spokespersons a...
Ripped from her time, lost in a strange land, a modern woman learns the most important lesson of all: that love knows no boundaries. Thea Thomas’ luck couldn’t get much worse. Having dared to follo...
The best selling 'Algorithmics' presents the most important, concepts, methods and results that are fundamental to the science of computing. It starts by introducing the basic ideas of algorithms, inc...
The Viking Spirit is an introduction to Norse mythology like no other. As you’d expect from Daniel McCoy, the creator of the enduringly popular website Norse Mythology for Smart People, it’s written t...
Essays explore the common principles shared by Japanese calligraphy and the martial arts, using terms from the martial arts as examples to show how calligraphy and the martial arts draw on the same el...
The B-2A 'Spirit' was an aircraft conceived to fight the Cold War but which has proved invaluable to both the 'New World Order' and more recently the 'War on Terrorism'. The combination of low-observa...
Max Weber's best-known and most controversial work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, first published in 1904, remains to this day a powerful and fascinating read. Weber's highly acce...
Discusses the historic role of the church in the African American community and chronicles the revival of the church as a center of community, social change, economic reform, and urban renewal.
As a native of Scotland, bestselling author Iain Banks has decided to undertake a tour of the distilleries of his homeland in a bid to uncover the unique spirit of the single malt. Visiting some of th...
100 Hotels & Resorts: Destinations That Lift the Spirit
Eli Monpress is talented. He's charming. And he's a thief. But not just any thief. He's the greatest thief of the age - and he's also a wizard. And with the help of his partners - a swordsman with th...
Eli Monpress is brilliant. He's incorrigible. And he's a thief. He's also still at large, which drives Miranda Lyonette crazy. While she's been kicked out of the Spirit Court, Eli's had plenty of tim...
With the pressure on after his success in Gaol, Eli Monpress, professional thief and degenerate, decides it's time to lie low for a bit. Taking up residence in a tiny seaside village, Eli and his comp...
Eli Monpress is vain. He's cocky. And he's a thief. But he's a thief who has just seen his bounty topped and he's not happy about it. The bounty topper, as it turns out, is his best friend, bodyguard,...
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down explores the clash between a small county hospital in California and a refugee family from Laos over the care of Lia Lee, a Hmong child diagnosed with severe e...