
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "placeq tego", znaleziono 34

Benedykt Dampc. Strange Places
Benedykt Dampc. Strange Places
Maciej Pałka, Jerzy Szyłak
Cykl: Benedykt Dampc, tom 1

Dampc powraca w pełnometrażowym odcinku. Nasz detektyw stracił pamięć. Wprawdzie ma przebłyski, które dają nadzieję na jej odzyskanie, ale bieg wydarzeń nie pozwala na chwilę odpoczynku. Przemierzamy ...


Houses In Difficult Places

Ways of Knowing Small Places
Ways of Knowing Small Places
Dominika Ferens

Zmiany zachodzące w Ameryce w latach sześćdziesiątych XX wieku oraz wzrost liczby imigrantów z krajów Trzeciego Świata przyniosły stopniowe zatarcie granic pomiędzy literaturą a etnografią. Antropolog...

The most beautiful places in Poland
The most beautiful places in Poland
Marek Piasecki, Tadeusz Glinka

Angielskojęzyczne wydanie niezwykle popularnej książki z serii CUDA POLSKI. Bogato ilustrowany album przedstawiający najpiękniejsze zakątki naszego kraju, najbardziej niezwykłe miejsca oraz malownicze...

German places of extermination in Poland
German places of extermination in Poland

Auschwitz, Bełżec, Sobibór, Treblinka, Majdanek, Chełmno nad Nerem - tym miejscom zagłady poświęcona jest niniejsza publikacja. Książka w języku angielskim.

Angielski. Kryminał z ćwiczeniami. Danger in high places
Angielski. Kryminał z ćwiczeniami. Danger in high places
Kevin Hadley

Na warszawskim Mokotowie, na placu budowy centrum handlowego znalezione zostają zwłoki młodego człowieka. To już drugie ciało odnalezione w tym miejscu. Z ramienia policji śledztwo prowadzi inspektor ...

Polska, bliskie podróże/Poland. Journeys to Places Nearby
Polska, bliskie podróże/Poland. Journeys to Places Nearby
Christian Parma

Autor zabiera nas w sentymentalną podróż po najpiękniejszych zakątkach Polski. Dopełnienie dla fotografii stanowią wiersze – słowa-klucze, którymi nazwane zostały rozdziały albumu.

Polska Najpiekniejsze miejsca Poland the most beautiful places
Polska Najpiekniejsze miejsca Poland the most beautiful places

Polska ? najpiękniejsze miejsca to ilustrowany przewodnik, który w przystępny sposób dostarcza czytelnikowi niezbędnych informacji praktycznych na temat atrakcji w całym kraju. Książka Polska ? najpię...

Warszawa - 99 miejsc / 99 Places / 99 Platze / 99 Lugares
Warszawa - 99 miejsc / 99 Places / 99 Platze / 99 Lugares
Rafał Tomczyk
Seria: 99 miejsc

Zachęcamy do obejrzenia 99 miejsc najpiękniejszych miejsc Warszawy. Miasto w obiektywie Rafała Tomczyka pokazuje swoją najciekawszą stronę. Warszawskie ulice zdobią nietuzinkowe dzieła sztuki architek...

Łódź - 99 miejsc / 99 Places / 99 Plätze / 99 ???? / 99 Lugares
4 wydania
Łódź - 99 miejsc / 99 Places / 99 Plätze / 99 ???? / 99 Lugares
Rafał Tomczyk

Zachęcamy do odkrycia 99 najciekawszych miejsc Łodzi! Niezwykłe zdjęcia Rafała Tomczyka ukazują potencjał Łodzi skrywany wśród zatłoczonych ulic i pędu wielkomiejskiego życia. Bujny rozwój Łodzi rozpo...

Premodern Places
Premodern Places
David Wallace

Using songs and poems, maps, and pictures - and featuring pioneering travelers such as Dante and Chaucer, Columbus and St Brendan - this book explores places such as: Calais (English from 1347-1558); ...

Dark Places
Dark Places
Ladd Linda

In the midst of a blizzard, Missouri detective Claire Morgan becomes a pawn in a sadistic killer's deadly game when she investigates the brutal murder of a local teacher, who was left to die in view o...

Utopia & Other Places
Richard Eyre

An autobiography in which the Royal National Theatre's Director gives his views on acting, directing and politics, portraits of theatrical friends and colleagues, recollections of his Dorset childhood...

The Places We Live
The Places We Live
Bendiksen Jonas

The year 2008 has witnessed a major shift in the way people across the world live: for the first time in human history more people live in cities than in rural areas. This triumph of the urban, howeve...

Map of True Places
Map of True Places
Brunonia Barry

From the author of The Lace Reader comes an emotionally resonant novel of tragedy, secrets, identity, and love.

Geography of Urban Places
Geography of Urban Places
Robert G. Putnam

This book presents a selection of readings to present varied opinions, approaches and reports from various international professional journals. Among the journals represented are: "Regional Science As...

City Spaces Tourist Places
City Spaces Tourist Places
B. Hayllar

Over the last decade, commentaries and research on urban tourism precincts have predominantly focused on: their role in the tourism attractions mix; their physical and functional forms; their economic...

Spain Special places to stay
Spain Special places to stay
G. Hunter Watts

Expect this book to lead you to places that are original, individual and welcoming. In the fifth edition, as well as entirely independent 'finds', we have included properties belonging to the 'Pazos d...

Names & History People Places & Things
Names & History People Places & Things
G. Redmonds

Names are everywhere, identifying people, places, animals, plants, public houses and fields. The investigations in this work involve detective stories into the connections between names and related su...

Paris Hotels Special places to stay
Paris Hotels Special places to stay
Anne Cooke-Yarborough

There is -still - little to compare with the sheer man-made beauty of Paris. You may be impressed by Budapest, agape at Prague or awe-struck in Manhattan - but in Paris you are, somehow, special. Or y...

International Relations in Uncommon Places
International Relations in Uncommon Places
M. Beier

The central claim developed in this book is that disciplinary International Relations (IR) is identifiable as both an advanced colonial practice and a postcolonial subject. The starting problematic he...

Global Change & Local Places Estimating Understanding
Global Change & Local Places Estimating Understanding

Global Change and Local Places explores the ways people and biota contribute to climate change in four localities of the United States. The volume summarizes the findings of the Global Change in Local...

British Bed & Breakfast, Special places to stay
British Bed & Breakfast, Special places to stay
J. King

We hope this book is a trumpet blast for all that is best about Britain. There are many near-perfect mixes of magical architecture, enviable gardens, handsome furniture, beautiful art, wonderfully com...

Mountains of Europe Special Places to stay
Mountains of Europe Special Places to stay
N. Woodford

The Alps and Dolomites stretch 1,000 miles across six countries, from the French Riviera to Slovenia. Never have their snow-capped peaks been so seductive or accessible - although they have been attra...

Places and Regions in Global Context
Places and Regions in Global Context
P. Knox

For introductory courses in Human or Cultural Geography found in Geography, Anthropology, or Social Science departments. Places and Regions in Global Context: Human Geography includes the most recent ...

Nature Not Mocked Places People & Science
Nature Not Mocked Places People & Science
P. Day

We often forget that the science underpinning our contemporary civilization is not a marmoreal edifice. On the contrary, at each moment in its development over past centuries, it grew and advanced thr...

Arthur Trilogy #2 At the Crossing-Places
Arthur Trilogy #2 At the Crossing-Places
K. Crossley-Holland

Now in the year 1200, fourteen-year-old narrator Arthur leaves his home at Caldicot to serve as squire to Sir Stephen, who plans to join the Fourth Crusade. Arthur's life is filled with honing his fig...

Fifty Places to Play Golf Before You Die
Fifty Places to Play Golf Before You Die
C. Santella

This will not be a book that will attempt to simply detail courses where major championships have been played, but courses whose architecture, noteworthy holes, location, and ambiance make them "must ...

Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis
Media Strategies for Marketing Places in Crisis
E. Avraham

This is an important book which gives a wealth of practical, well-researched communications advice to cities and countries in times of crisis. The authors' exploration of the impact of critical events...

Ancient Medicine Airs Waters Places Epidemics 1 & 3
Ancient Medicine Airs Waters Places Epidemics 1 & 3
Hipokrates z Kos

Hippocrates, said to have been born in Cos in or before 460 BC, learned medicine and philosophy; travelled widely as a medical doctor and teacher; was consulted by King Perdiccas of Macedon and Artaxe...

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