
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "po co media", znaleziono 464

In the Presence of English Media and European Youth
In the Presence of English Media and European Youth
M. Berns

The starting point for this comparative study on the role of English within the media worlds of European youth is recognition of the increasing importance of communication with peoples from other cult...

Hearts Exposed: Transplants and the Media in 1960s Britain
Hearts Exposed: Transplants and the Media in 1960s Britain
Ayesha Nathoo

This book examines the relationship between medicine and the media in 1960s Britain, when the first wave of heart transplants were as much media as medical events and marked a decisive period in post-...

Enhancing E Learning with Media Rich Content and Interaction
Enhancing E Learning with Media Rich Content and Interaction
R. Caladine

Online learning is transcending from the text-rich educational experience of the past to a video- and audio-rich learning transformation. The greater levels of media-rich content and media-rich intera...

Come on Down Popular Media Culture in Post-War Britain
Come on Down Popular Media Culture in Post-War Britain
D. Strinati

Come on Down? represents an introduction to popular media culture in Britain since 1945. It discusses the ways in which popular culture can be studied, understood and appreciated, and covers its key a...

One Show Interactive, Volume XI: Advertising's Best Interactive and New Media
One Show Interactive, Volume XI: Advertising's Best Interactive and New Media

Interactive advertising and new media have come a long way from simple pop-up ads and banners. Among the winners in this year's 2008 One Show Interactive Awards, you'll find work that inspires, entert...

Social Media Success for Every Brand: The Five StoryBrand Pillars That Turn Posts Into Profits
Social Media Success for Every Brand: The Five StoryBrand Pillars That Turn Posts Into Profits
Claire Diaz-Ortiz

Most business owners are blindly guessing at their social media strategy, and it’s costing them time and money. Based on Donald Miller’s bestselling book Building a StoryBrand, Claire Diaz-Ortiz appl...

Asia Unplugged Wireless & Mobile Media Boom in the Asia-Paci
Asia Unplugged Wireless & Mobile Media Boom in the Asia-Paci
Madan Mohan Rao

This detailed and analytical handbook is a major source of reference for those with an interest in the wireless explosion in the Asia-Pacific region. It includes thematic papers on WiFi/WLL, wireless ...

The European Public Sphere and the Media: Europe in Crisis
The European Public Sphere and the Media: Europe in Crisis
Anna Triandafyllidou, Ruth Wodak, Michał Krzyżanowski

This book contributes to the theoretical and policy debate on the existence of a European public sphere. It presents a critical discussion of the links between media, history and politics in Europe to...

Yes We Did An Inside Look at How Social Media Built
Yes We Did An Inside Look at How Social Media Built
R. Harfoush

FOREWORD by Don Tapscott, author of Wikinomics and Grown Up Digital The Obama campaign's mastery of social media for everything from fundraising to volunteer coordination has been widely reported. Unt...

Social Media at Work. How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance
Social Media at Work. How Networking Tools Propel Organizational Performance
Arthur L. Jue, Jackie Alcalde Marr, Mary Ellen Kassotakis

The definitive guide for using social media to build more effective organizations Today's networking technologies-wikis, blogs, and social networking sites-are changing how we build professional rel...

Imagi-Nations and Borderless Television: Media, Culture and Politics Across Asia
Imagi-Nations and Borderless Television: Media, Culture and Politics Across Asia
A. Owen

Imagi-Nations and Borderless Television neatly captures the revolution that television in Asia has gone through over the last 15 years…. Important for anyone wishing to understand the future of Asian...

Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries
Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries

Z recenzji wydawniczej: "The rate of the changes is of significant importance and specifically affects the seniors’ lives. Elders, due to their age and changing social position, are often deprived of...

Stable Gas-in-Liquid Emulsions. Production in Natural Waters and Artificial Media
Stable Gas-in-Liquid Emulsions. Production in Natural Waters and Artificial Media
Joseph S. D'Arrigo

This title is a greatly expanded and updated second edition of the original volume published by Elsevier in 1986. New material has been integrated with the original content in an organized and compreh...

More Than a Music Box: Radio Cultures and Communities in a Multi-Media World
More Than a Music Box: Radio Cultures and Communities in a Multi-Media World
Andrew Crisell

Since the rise of television, much radio consists of 'capsule' news and music formats which are heard as background to other activities. However the medium offers a great deal more. This collection of...

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