
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "pobic musi", znaleziono 3

Obrażenia. Pobici z Polską
Obrażenia. Pobici z Polską

Laureatka Nagrody Literackiej m.st. Warszawy, laureat Paszportu Polityki, zdobywczyni Nagrody Gryfia i Nagrody im. Teresy Torańskiej, zwyciężczyni konkursu Grand Press, nominowani do najważniejszych n...

Preventing Harmful Substance Use the Evidence Base for Polic
Preventing Harmful Substance Use the Evidence Base for Polic
Tim Stockwell

The prevention of harm from drug use, both legal and illegal, is a major concern to government departments and clinicians throughout the world. Recently, much new research has been conducted regarding...

Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Polic
Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Polic
T. Hertel

Land has long been neglected in economics. That is now changing. Recently, seven teams from Australia, the European Union, and the USA have, for the first time, included land use in their computable g...

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