It is rare occasion when a book is written by someone who is both an activist and a scholar of the subject. Stanisław Krajewski was one of a handful of young Polish Jews who began their Jewish journey...
O bobofrutach, wielkim biznesie i restrukturyzacji pracy Prywatyzując Polskę Elizabeth Dunn to książka o tym, jak zmieniał się współczesny kapitalizm. Autorka zatrudniła w się w fabryce Alima-Ger...
This classical historical work describes the rise of Jews as a nation and the crucial role that the Polish-Jewish community played in its development.
This book describes the establishment, growth and partial decline of one of the most important Jewish communities in the world. In the late 15th century the Polish-Lithunaian commonwealth became the c...
Jews and Heretics in Catholic Poland takes issue with historians' common contention that the Catholic Church triumphed in Counter-Reformation Poland. In fact, the Church's own sources show that the st...
In the late 18th century, Poland was one of three countries, along with the United States and France, to adopt a constitution. Although short-lived, the Polish Constitution of 3 May 1791 was acknowled...
Missing from most accounts of the modern history of Jews in Europe is the experience of what was once the largest Jewish community in the world - an oversight that Gershon David Hundert corrects in th...
Ben-Zion Gold's memoir brings to life the world of a million Jews in pre-World War II Poland who were later destroyed by the Nazis. Warmly recalling the relationships, rituals, observances, and celebr...