
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "public teml", znaleziono 11

L`heritage historique de la Res Publica de Plusieurs Nations
L`heritage historique de la Res Publica de Plusieurs Nations
Jerzy Kłoczowski

Tom zawiera szkice poświęcone szeroko pojętej debacie nad problemem wspólnego dziedzictwa Rzeczypospolitej. Książka, opublikowana dzięki naukowej współpracy i finansowemu wsparciu Towarzystwa Historyc...

Public Speaking 6e
Public Speaking 6e
S. Beebe

The unique, audience-centered approach of this top-selling text emphasizes that success in public speaking depends on how listeners interpret the message. Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approac...

Public Relations 3e
Public Relations 3e
D. Guth

In a time when society is holding individuals and organizations to high standards of conduct, Public Relations: A Values-Driven Approach teaches students how to build ethical, productive relationships...

Public Finance 8e
Public Finance 8e
Harvey Rosen

Public Finance 8/e benefits from the combined efforts of Harvey Rosen's market-leading book and new co-author Ted Gayer's research and government agency experience. Ted recently served as a Senior Eco...

Public Administration 6e
Public Administration 6e
R. Denhardt

As its title implies, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: AN ACTION ORIENTATION, 6e International Edition, encourages students to become active participants in public administration. Robert B. Denhardt and Janet V...

Public Finance 9e
Public Finance 9e
T. Gayer

Public Finance 9/e benefits from the combined efforts of Harvey Rosen?s market-leading book and co-author Ted Gayer?s research and government agency experience. This combination of experience is able ...

Public Administration IE 9e
Public Administration IE 9e
R. Stillman II

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: CONCEPTS AND CASES, International Edition offers a unique and highly regarded framework in which conceptual readings are paired with contemporary case studies that reflect real-...

Theories of Public Organization 6e
Theories of Public Organization 6e
R. Denhardt

This book is intended as an introduction to theories of public organization for both students of public administration and those outside the field who want to involve themselves in organizations commi...

Classics of Public Administration IE 6e
Classics of Public Administration IE 6e
J. Shafritz

With this newly expanded sixth edition of CLASSICS OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, authors Jay M. Shafritz and Albert C. Hyde aim to introduce students to the principles of public administration via the mos...

Advertising and Public Relations Law 2e
Advertising and Public Relations Law 2e
Carmen Maye, Erik L. Collins, Roy L. Moore

Addressing a critical need, Advertising and Public Relations Law explores the issues and ideas that affect the regulation of advertising and public relations speech. Coverage includes the categorizati...

Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice 2e
Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice 2e
D. Pancheon

This is a unique practical guide to the practice of public health on a day-to-day basis. It is a simple, easy to use book on public health skills-a first resort for all those in training and practice....

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