Recent theoretical developments in exchange rate economics have led to important new insights into the functioning of the foreign exchange market. The simple models of the 1970s, which could not withs...
不器用ケンカップルのおいしい同居生活 ある日、店先の求人広告を見る“美少女”に一目惚れした見習いシェフの開人。しかし、その“美少女”は口が悪く愛想なしの“男”、伊介だった。しかも、不摂生な伊介を見かねたオーナーの命令で同居する事になり!?
青春ケンカップルのおいしい同居生活 オーナー命令で同居することになった開人と伊介。ケンカばかりの毎日だったが、次第に惹かれあい、恋人同士に。新しい季節を迎え、お互いの将来の夢に向けて歩み始めた矢先、とんだ闖入者が現れて!?
イタリアでの1年間のコック修業から帰ってきた開人。 大学を卒業し、就職した伊介との同居生活が再び始まった。 気が付けば、初めて出会った春の日から丸3年。 支え合って暮らす二人は、自分たちの生き方が “当たり前”ではない事を知り――? 大人気☆心あたたまる日常系BL第3巻! イタリア修業時代の開人と伊介のもどかしくも可愛い 遠距離恋愛を描いた『日本とイタリアとその間に』を コミックス描きおろしで収...
「この先ずっと男二人で暮らしていくつもり?」 開人と伊介の関係が、貴見谷瞬にバレてしまった。 瞬は伊介に、親や友人にも開人との関係を ずっと秘密にしていけるのかと問う。 二人は、友人の廣乃にカミングアウトすることを決めるが!? 「おはおや」シリーズ感動の完結巻!! 描きおろしマンガ1話分収録☆
同居生活、6年目。大人気シリーズ待望のよみきり作品集! 心あたたまる同居生活シリーズ、待望のよみきり作品集が登場☆ 世話焼きなシェフ・開人と 駆け出しのアートディレクター・伊介が 同居を始めてから6年目。 朝がしんどいのも、開人のHがしつこいのも 相変わらずだけど、毎日少しずつ変化はあって――…? オーナーとアイドル・瞬のスピンオフ 「ハワイとキスとそのあとに」に加え、 “開人のクリスマス編...
オカン系男子×口の悪いマイペース美人 同居1年目の夏から秋と、その後。 新しいベッドを買いに行った開人と伊介。 ふと開人は、伊介にはじめて触れた夜の事を思い出す――。 「今でも信じられない。伊介が隣で寝てるなんて」 同居生活を始めてまもない二人の、 “はじめて”や“2度目”などが詰まった 甘酸っぱいよみきり作品集!
The definitive guide to fixed income valuation and risk analysis The Trilogy in Fixed Income Valuation and Risk Analysis comprehensively covers the most definitive work on interest rate risk, term str...
Combining critical perspectives with a positive contribution to economic policy, both national and international, this book considers the causes and consequences of recent financial crises presenting ...
This third edition of the standard reference on the nervous system of the rat is a complete and updated revision of the 1994 second edition. All chapters have been extensively updated, and new chapter...
Bioresorbable materials could be employed to provide significant advances in drug delivery systems and medical implants. The rate of material degradation is critical to performance of both implants an...
This SECOND EDITION of Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks: Enabling Wireless Sensors with IEEE 802.15.4 is the newest handbook in the IEEE Standards Wireless Networks Series. This updated book n...
Eve. Molly. Julie and Charlie. Three heartbroken women. One heartbreaking man. Eve's expensive therapist has got her writing - but not sending - letters to Charlie, the man she never got over. They're...
In the military family there is no worse crime than cowardice. Malachy Kitchen, Intelligence officer, posted to Iraq, appears guilty of it while on patrol with an infantry platoon ambushed by insurgen...
From the mother-daughter team of Monika Bang-Campbell and Molly Bang, this is the first in a series of easy readers starring the irrepressible Little Rat.
1983: as the country goes to the polls, two ‘Urban Explorers’, together with a freelance journalist, break into the long-defunct Cadogan Tunnels, once a secret wartime facility… and later, so rumour h...
In 1965, soon after the first US combat troops had arrived in Vietnam, it was realized that in some areas the Viet Cong had developed vast tunnel complexes in which to hide from the enemy. It was long...
According to many economists, the increasing mobility of capital across borders has made it more costly to peg exchange rates. This phenomenon has contributed to some of the more famous examples of ex...
Sarajevo, 2003. Best friends Frito and Bannerman roll into town, still in search of the fortune they missed out on in the dot-com years. For a while it seems that soaking up reconstruction money isn't...
The new 'Spearhead' series is designed to look at the cutting edge of war, dealing with units capable of operating completely independently in the forefront of battle. Each volume in the series examin...
This completely revised edition of The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, the second most cited book in science, represents a dramatic update from the previous edition. Based on a single rat brain,...
This book provides an alternative view of the workings of foreign exchange markets. The authors' modeling approach is based on the idea that agents use simple forecasting rules and switch to those rul...
Chemoarchitectonic Atlas of the Rat Forebrain, featuring 242 fully labeled, large photographs, is the most comprehensive atlas of the rat forebrain ever published. It identifies brain structure not on...
Now in its 6th edition, Paxinos and Watson's The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates is the most-used reference of neuroscientists for the past twenty-five years. Both the illustrations and nomenclat...
Most of the literature on exchange rate regimes has focused on the developed countries. Since the recent crises in emerging markets, however, attention has shifted to the choice of exchange rate regim...
The 1980s and 1990s saw a number of developments in exchange rate economics, with substantial contributions to both its theory and empirics. While our understanding of exchange rates has significantly...
This volume originated in a course of lectures which the author originally gave at the Universite lnternationale de Sciences Compares at Luxembourg. The book appeared under the title of the course, an...
This eye-opening, well-researched examination of mankind's oldest competitor is filled with weirdly fascinating information about the history of the rat and the way it consistently outsmarts man. Illu...
An All-Inclusive Guide to Surgical Techniques on Rats The design of an adequate surgical model, like the choice of the animal model itself, is extremely important for obtaining reliable valuable ...