Z ogromną radością oddajemy w Wasze ręce antologię, która – mamy nadzieję – jest pierwszą z wielu. Pomysł na nią powstał spontanicznie, a i temat przewodni: śmierć – nasunął się nam od razu. Za oknem ...
Anthony and Antonelle Chu are fraternal twins. Tony and Toni. Each with their own extraordinary, albeit diametrically opposed, ability. Tony is Cibopathic, able to get psychic sensations of the past o...
What game is she playing? Rowan hadn't seen Lillian in over a year-not since she broke his heart and killed his father in one fell swoop-so why would she pick today to just show up outside his favorit...
Just as the right mix of spices and foods make for a delicious meal, the right mix of design ingredients turns out delightful rooms. This accessible and inspiring book shares the recipes for 13 differ...
Struts Recipes is a detailed collection of useful strategies to help developers and architects solve real-life Struts business problems. The book is filled with 'tried and true' techniques, complete w...
Spanish food is fast growing in popularity with more and more Spanish restaurants emerging all over the world and a tapas-style revolution happening in the way we eat out. "1080 Recetas De Cocina" is ...
In "One Economics, Many Recipes", leading economist Dani Rodrik argues that neither globalizers nor antiglobalizers have got it right. While economic globalization can be a boon for countries that are...
Modern computer algebra systems are revolutionizing the teaching and learning of mathematically intensive subjects in science and engineering, enabling students to explore increasingly complex and com...
There is nothing better than basking in the summer sun or relaxing on a long summer's evening with delicious food and drink, whilst being serenaded by the Bard. Food, drink and Shakespeare go happily ...
In Leon: Ingredients and Recipes, award-winning chef and cookery writer Allegra McEvedy shares the Leon principles, which through food and the environment in which we eat it aim to help people be happ...
This book provides a rich toolbox of design techniques and templates to solve practical, every-day problems using FPGAs. Using a modular structure, the book gives easy-to-find design techniques and te...
Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing was first published in 1986 and became an instant classic among scientists, engineers, and social scientists. In this book the original, time-tested ...
Arranged in ten chapters with such names as "Cranberries", "Nuts", "Citrus", "Leaves" and "Pinecones", this festive compendium of holiday ideas and recipes is certain to show you how to make every Chr...
Over two hundred novel and innovative computer algebra worksheets or "recipes" will enable readers in engineering, physics, and mathematics to easily and rapidly solve and explore most problems they e...
Computer algebra systems are revolutionizing the teaching, the learning, and the exploration of science. Not only can students and researchers work through mathematical models more efficiently and wit...
Just as the right combination of spices and foods make for a delicious meal, the right mix of design ingredients turns out delightful rooms. This accessible book shares the recipes for 13 different st...
One of the oldest -- and most paradoxical -- of conventional beliefs is that while every woman should be a good cook, only a man can be a great chef. Thanks, in great part, to the women profiled in th...
Man About the Kitchen is designed to introduce men of all ages to the kitchen and to transform them with minimal pain into competent cooks. Recipe 21: The Male Cook: This is becoming more popular, but...
Beverly Cox and Ana Menendez have been able to travel where few Americans have been able to go for more than 50 years with a single purpose in mind: eating Cuban food and gathering the best recipes at...
Beautifully produced and encapsulating the cream of her Household Management Bible, Essential Beeton includes pearls of wisdom on housework (and the importance of elbow grease), home hairdressing, chi...
Gordon Ramsay'S Great Escape: 100 Of My Favourite Indian Recipes
Die erlebte Rede im Deutschen und Polnischen wird im vorliegenden Buch nicht nur als Rede- oder Gedankenwiedergabe aufgefaĂt, sondern wesentlich als ein textuelles Phänomen. Hauptgegenstand der Unter...
Rozsáhlý výběr z básnického díla jednoho z nejosobitějších českých básníků obsahuje verše z let 1912–1971.
Kniha Svěcení představuje nový výbor z díla českého básníka Bohuslava Reyneka. V jeho pracech se často prolíná výtvarná složka s básnickou. V poezii se vyznal ze svých náboženských postojů, ve výtvar...
Stroke is one of the leading causes of long-term severe disability in the developed world. The past few years have seen the emergence of dedicated stroke services in many hospitals in the UK. This on-...
Mr Bean goes to a restaurant for his birthday dinner. But, of course, things don't go smoothly. He doesn't like the food. But what can he do? He tries to hide it in the strangest places!Chaotic advent...
This book presents a cross-linguistic investigation of the behaviour of negation in gapping sentences. Sophie Repp focusses on German and English with reference to Dutch, Japanese, Polish, Russian, an...
This series of books is aimed at all health science students requiring an introductory, low cost and highly illustrated guide to the clinical specialties. The material is presented in double page spre...
The Psychology @ Work series interprets and explains peoples work behaviour in a climate of change, drawing together academic research and practitioner expertise. Each title focuses on a central issue...