Knowledge about water and wastewater treatment, pollution control, water quality, and related applications and equipment is increasing exponentially. New challenges bring new technologiesand terminol...
Mein Leben ist ein Epochenbuch, ist Bekenntnis und Darstellung in einem, eine zeitkritische Chronik und zugleich die Geschichte einer Ehe. Es ist ein Buch uber die Literatur und nicht zuletzt uber die...
Książka omawia sztukę, jaka wytworzyła się przez połączenie dwóch kultur - amerykańskiej i afrykańskiej.
Surrealism is a survey of the twentieth century's longest lasting and, arguably, most influential art movement. Championed and held together by Andre Breton for over forty years, Surrealism was Franc...
Innovators across all sectors of society are using information and communication technology to reshape economic and social activity. Even after the boom -- and despite the bust -- the process of struc...
The leading microbiology text that explores the microorganisms directly involved in the maintenance of health or causation of disease in humans. Consistent presentation of the relevant information rel...
In seiner unverwechselbaren Diktion schildert Marcel Reich-Ranicki höchst unterhaltsame Episoden und Anekdoten über deutschsprachige Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts: Bertolt Brecht, Erich Kästner,...
The memoir of Elli Friedmann, who was 13 years old in March 1944 when theNazis invaded Hungary. She recounts her experience in Auschwitzconcentration camp as one of the few teenage inmates, and the ti...
Thrilling, touching and thought-provoking, this sequel to I Have Lived AThousand Years offers a firsthand glimpse into post-war Europe. Elli'sindomitable spirit shines through every page, making this ...
Marvel's Newest Heroes Are Born! When Terrigen Mist spread across the world, it triggered the latent genes of regular people and transformed them into Inhumans with amazing powers. But not everyone th...
In this international bestseller from the critically acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize–winning scientist. When Marie was young, she was una...
Perfect for die-hard fans, Rick and Morty Presents: Volume 2 explores the lives of four more characters from the hit [adult swim] TV show! Learn even more of the secret stories and hidden pasts of y...
Queen Medusa vs. King Black Bolt with the fate of the Inhumans in the balance! The NuHumans are a valuable currency in the new world order and someone is working hard to control their destiny. Collec...
Zbiór ćwiczeń gramatycznych obejmujących podstawy gramatyki języka niemieckiego. Przeznaczony dla początkujących (poziom A1).
Czteroczęściowy kurs dla gimnazjalistów z podstawową znajomością języka angielskiego. Idealny dla klas o zróżnicowanym poziomie języka. Adventures zawierają wiele materiałów autentycznych i informacji...
Firm valuation is currently a very exciting topic. It is interesting for those economists engaged in either practice or theory, particularly for those in finance. The literature on firm valuation rec...
Nationally regarded authors Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas bring a depth of experience to the Second Editions of ENGINEERING MECHANICS: STATICS AND DYNAMICS that can't be surpassed. They have refined...
1917, Western Front, Ypres. A soldier wakes up in a damp, dark basement. Hecan't get out. He is covered in mud.His skin is badly burned. And he can'tremember anything. But his nightmare doesn't end th...
Dating from the sixteenth century, there were hundreds of shtetls - Jewish settlements - in Eastern Europe that were home to a large and compact population that differed from their gentile, mostly pea...
"Digital Design: An Embedded Systems Approach Using Verilog" provides a foundation in digital design for students in computer engineering, electrical engineering and computer science courses. It takes...
Now available in English, with Latin labelling, "The Sobotta Atlas" covers the complete macroscopic anatomy in full detail and exceptional quality with almost 2000 figures. This unparalleled "Atlas of...
Reviews of the Fifth edition: "This edition is a treat, and no self-respecting inorganic chemist should deny him or is an invaluable guide"-Nature "[The authors have continued their compr...
English Plus Options to nowe wydanie bestsellerowego kursu English Plus dla uczniów VII i VIII klasy szkoły podstawowej. Podręcznik oferuje 100% nowego materiału i przygotowuje do egzaminu na koniec ó...
Emerson Knight is introverted, eccentric, and has little to no sense of social etiquette. Good thing he’s also brilliant, rich, and (some people might say) handsome, or he’d probably be homeless. Rile...
One of VOGUE's 6 Female Writers to Read in 2018 'Categorically one of the coolest women in Britain' Cosmopolitan 'The Millennial Mastermind' ELLE Sometimes it's not easy to find self-worth i...
In the fallout from House of M and following the surprise film-noir hit Madrox, a new mutant team is forged! X-Factor is an investigative mutant agency that includes Madrox, the Multiple Man; Guido, t...
Surrealism is the first in an expanded range of Themes and Movements titles which look beyond the post-1945 period to survey all of the twentieth century's major art movements. Mary Ann Caws is an int...
Over the past few years, many of the former Communist-rule countries of Central and Eastern Europe have taken a steady path toward becoming more or less normal capitalist countries - with Poland and H...
An essential overview of the problems of our world today -- and how we should prepare for tomorrow -- from the world?s leading public intellectual We have two choices. We can be pessimistic, give up, ...