Co dziewięćdziesiąt lat dwunastu bogów przyjmuje ludzką postać. Są kochani. Są nienawidzeni. A w ciągu dwóch lat umierają. Zespół twórców odpowiedzialnych za takie serie jak Young Avengers i Phonogram...
Health care associated infections affect between 5% and 30% of patients. The associated burden of disease is extremely high and is a significant drain on health-sector resources and households. Ensur...
Uznane duże aplikacje internetowe, takie jak portale społecznościowe, systemy bankowe czy handlowe, działają szybko i niezawodnie. Muszą radzić sobie nawet wtedy, gdy ich niektóre części ulegną awarii...
Tworzenie zaskakujących efektów graficznych Jak stworzyć trójwymiarowe wykresy? Jak wykorzystać wzory matematyczne w programowaniu? W jaki sposób zastosować geometrię fraktalną do generowania grafiki?...
Dzieci, przeżywając silne emocje takie jak strach, lęk, smutek czy złość, mogą doświadczać stresu, niepokoju, dyskomfortu. Choć nie zawsze werbalizują trudne doznania, to ich zachowanie i emocjonalna...
Nastolatki, przeżywając silne emocje takie jak strach, lęk, smutek czy złość, mogą doświadczać dystresu, niepokoju, dyskomfortu. Choć nie zawsze werbalizują trudne doznania, to ich zachowanie i emocj...
Podręcznik jest poświęcony podejściu transdiagnostycznemu w terapii zaburzeń emocjonalnych – lękowych i nastroju (depresyjnych) – dzieci i młodzieży. Opisany w nim program terapeutyczny powstał z myś...
Jamie Does... is Jamie's personal celebration of amazing food from six very different countries. Cheap, short-haul flights and long weekend getaways have become increasingly popular and within a few s...
'I can't tell you how long I've dreamt about writing this book. It's the biggest book I've ever done, and I've really tried to make it a timeless, modern-day classic. Whether you're a student, a young...
With this companion book to his new Food Network show, the irrepressible, much-loved chef returns with a new collection of more than 100 fresh, healthy recipes as well as advice on growing vegetables....
An accident that should end in tragedy instead gives seventeen-year-old Jamie Baker a slew of uncontrollable superhuman abilities. To keep her secret safe Jamie socially exiles herself, earning the ti...
Jamie Baker, the only girl in the world with superpowers, has now accepted who she is and learned to control her power. Not to mention she has the best boyfriend on the planet. Life is finally looking...
America Mason, a sassy undergrad at Eastern State University, is in love with a Maddox--Shepley Maddox. Unlike his cousins, Shepley is more lover than fighter, but a road trip to her parents' home in ...
If it's not broke don't fix it. That was Cash's motto in life, and his life was perfect. He was living the life of the lieutenant of The Last Riders, and had women at his beck and call. The only thing...
Winter Simmons received the surprise of her life when she discovered the man she had been dating for the last two years was actually Viper, president of the Last Riders. A high school principal, Winte...
Knox, a former Navy Seal, has been in several dangerous situations, but nothing compares to dealing with Diamond Richards. Framed for murder, he needs the passionless lawyer to prove his innocence. Bu...
Shade is everything Lily doesn't want in a man. He's rude, obnoxious and he's definitely not a cowboy. The tattooed enforcer for The Last Riders is a mystery Lily doesn't want to solve. He's too much ...
Life dealt him a dead man’s hand. Lucky had always led a life of service. Always put his life on the line for someone else, managing to survive by pure luck and skill. After bringing an end to a mult...
As president of The Last Riders, Viper’s only fear was losing his wife. After all, he had almost lost her once before. As wife to the president, Winter lived in fear every day: fear that a club enemy...
Ice As president of the Predators’ MC, my men and I are used to preying on the weak and those stupid enough to cross our paths. So why does a straitlaced teacher make me sit up and take notice when I ...
Want, need, pain, and joy were emotions Shade had never known existed before Lily. He knew the first time he saw her face that she was going to change his life forever. The thing he hadn’t expected wa...
Beware of what you wish for; it might just come true. Train swore never to let a woman get under his skin unless it meant forever, and forever only meant belonging to The Last Riders. He had believed...
Revenge is a seven-letter word that isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s a word for those who have been wronged. Jo Turner has been waiting five, long years to finally turn revenge into vengeance. Usi...
*An Independent and New Statesman Book of the Year *An NPR Best Book of 2015 *Included in the Washington Post‘s Notable Nonfiction of 2015 Beyond the familiar online world that most of us inhabit...
Thursdyke, un apacible pueblo inglés, está a punto de sumirse en un carnaval de sangre y locura. John Constantine no suele perderse estos eventos, así que se une a la fiesta pagana para pasarlo bien....
One year after his father's suicide, Carson Long feels cheated. He hates his father for leaving him and his sister, Georgie, alone. He hates him for turning his mother into a young widow who hasn't l...
Sixty years ago food was in short supply and malnutrition rates were high. The Ministry of Food was set up to teach the public how to make the best use of the food available to them. Fast forward to t...
After the detonation of FANDEMONIUM the gods-as-pop-stars of THE WICKED + THE DIVINE try living in the long dark shadow. Team WicDiv are joined by a stellar cast of guest artists to put the spotlight...
Every ninety years, twelve gods are reincarnated as young people. They are loved. They are hated. And sometimes - just sometimes - they fall into open Superstar wars.