Przekraczanie granic jeszcze nigdy nie było tak trudne. Ani tak satysfakcjonujące. Co to znaczy być silną kobietą? W jaki sposób walczyć o swoje marzenia, gdy wszyscy doradzają inną drogę? I jak stw...
Na przestrzeni wieków pojawiały się wieści o cudach, dokonywanych przez proroków i świętych. Były wręcz atrybutem ich działalności duchowego nauczania. Czy były prawdziwe? Autor przedstawia je z blisk...
Sathya Sai Baba jest nauczycielem duchowym milionów Hindusów, a także rzesz pielgrzymów przybywających doń z całego świata. Głosi, że Bóg jest jeden i że ścieżka duchowa objawia zgodność fundamentalny...
Erudycyjna proza o twórczości i życiu trzech tytułowych gigantów — zwłaszcza dla czytelników, którzy dobrze znają ich dzieła. To osobowości wymykające się dookreśleniu czy jednoznaczności. Lech Bukows...
Jest to kolejna część słownika regionalnego, łączącego wymogi leksykonu wewnątrzdialektalnego i międzydialektalnego, ze wspólnym modelem hasła słownikowego i sposobem wykorzystania wypowiedzi gwarowyc...
Książka adresowana jest głównie dla ogrodników amatorów i działkowiczów. Zawiera szczegółowy opis uprawy, sposobów rozmnażania i pielęgnacji ponad czterdziestu drzew, krzewów i pnączy owocowych, znany...
Historian Simon Shaw likes his murders old and cold, and his first case fits the bill. An archeologist friend has found a skeleton with a bullet hole in its skull under historic Bloodworth House, and...
In the 12th V. I. Warshawksi mystery, the private detective returns to her old South Chicago neighborhood, a visit littered with unpleasant memories, plus present-day sabotage, murder, and disappearin...
The leading authority on the subject in the UK, the new edition of The Sale of Goods gives a full and detailed account of the English law of the sale of goods. It also includes a treatment of the law ...
A fascinating, definitive history and analysis of American labour union corruption - and an urgent call for social justice - that reads at times like a thriller American labour unions have been, it ru...
Freya Beauchamp is trapped in 1692, in Salem of all places, with no recollection of her past. A powerful enemy spell has sent her spiraling away so that she is separated by centuries from her mother, ...
Through these new stories, charmingly ilustrated by Mimi Everett, younger children will share, with Susie & Sam, the many new events and first experiences that they encounter in everyday life.
I watched today as Giles Corey was presst to death between the stones. He had lain so for two dayes mute. With each stone, they tolde him he must plead, lest more stones be added. But he only whispere...
Raven is a ruthless assassin, a hired killer, whose cold-blooded murder of the Minister for War will have violent repercussions across Europe. As the nation prepares for battle, Raven goes on the run...
This new title helps with every step of the sale of a business. Drawing from his wide experience of all sizes of transactions, the author provides guidance, using examples, on drafting agreements for ...
This book deals with international sales of goods and covers contracts governed by English law and contracts governed by the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. It deals with...
Five companies dominate the U.S. petroleum industry. Five control the worldwide trade in grain. Two have a corner on the private market for drinking water. In terms of actual dollars, trade in heroin,...
Published a year after The Great Gatsby, this short-story collection showcases many of the celebrated novel’s themes, as well as its unique writing style. Two of the most famous tales, the beautifully...
Combining information on the most important and related technologies in the mobile communications field, this two book package gives the engineer a concise, complete and authoritative introduction to ...
When a child faces a problem with health or disability we are quick to offer support or change our expectations. Sadness, distress, anxiety, whether transient or long-term, can have significant effect...
A poem and two essays written over a period of five decades gather the author's thoughts on the work of the controversial Marquis de Sade.
Few writers have expressed loneliness, the need for human understanding and the search for love with such power and poetic sensibility as the American writer Carson McCullers. In The Ballad of the Sad...
Subtitled 'A Tale of a Peddler, Some Monkeys and Their Monkey Business,' this absurd and very simple story has become a classic, selling hundreds of thousands of copies since its first publication in ...
The Convention on the International Sale of Goods is one of the most successful attempts to unify parts of the law of international commerce. The Convention is now in force in more than 60 states, and...
* Up-to-date coverage of SAE including the latest standards development * Easily accessible overview of the architecture and concepts defined by SAE * Thorough description of the Evolved Packet Core f...
This book is the first one in English to focus in depth upon the private international law problems raised by the sale of goods. It begins with the substantive law and practice, and uses this as the b...