You've been taught to believe they are dead. Figments of an ancientimagination. But one lonely schoolboy at the Lighthouse School for Boys,who has never known his family, and who has never known adven...
Diana, Princess of Wales, was no saint in the conventional Christian sense. Yet her status as an icon since her death is unequalled in British popular culture and images of her resonate beatitude. In ...
This is the amazing story of Saint Faustina--the greatest Christian mystic of the twentieth century--and her devotion to the Divine Mercy, which has become the fastest spreading religious devotion in ...
In the beginning, there was him. Gutsy, green-eyed Eleanor never met a rule she didn't want to break. She's sick of her mother's zealotry and the confines of Catholic school, and declares she'll nev...
Four prominent Buddhists discuss Saint Benedict's Rule and the monastic tradition. Four prominent Buddhist scholars turn their attention to the classic text of Western Monasticism- The Rule of St Bene...
Who can say "I am Jewish"? What does "Jew" mean? What especially does it mean for Jacques Derrida, founder of deconstruction, scoffer at boundaries and fixed identities, explorer of the indeterminate ...
In the style of "Maritcha", "The Other Mozart" tells the remarkable story of the Chevalier de Saint George, one of the most famous men in 18th Century France. Son of a slave in Guadaloupe, the Chevali...