
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "saro zabi", znaleziono 4

Atlas Epilepsy Care In The World 2005
Atlas Epilepsy Care In The World 2005

This atlas is one of the most comprehensive compilations of available resources for epilepsy ever attempted, providing an illustrative presentation of information on the current status of epilepsy ser...

Color Atlas of Burn Care
Color Atlas of Burn Care
J. Barret

Superbly illustrated, with over 400 previously unpublished color photographs, Color Atlas of Burn Care covers all aspects of burn care - from burn wounds and inhalation injuries, to therapies, wound c...

Atlas of EEG in Critical Care
Atlas of EEG in Critical Care
L. Hirsch

As the population ages, technology improves, intensive care medicine expands and neurocritical care advances, the use of EEG monitoring in the critically ill is becoming increasingly important. This a...

Atlas of Rare City Maps Comparative Urban Design 1830-1842
Atlas of Rare City Maps Comparative Urban Design 1830-1842
Melville C. Branch

The map plans in this collection, covering 40 cities in Europe, Russia, the United States and Asia, were first published in the mid-19th century. The maps were all commissioned and drawn within a peri...

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