Ten tom powstawał naprawdę długo, głównie z przyczyn braku czasu, poświęconego na rozwój Herbatki w trochę innym kierunku. W tym okresie część autorów zdążyła zadebiutować na papierze lub wydać książk...
Written for classroom teachers and those in training, this book has been designed to support and extend teachers' and students' own knowledge and understanding of science and should be of particular u...
In recent years the basic science viva of the Final FRCA has evolved a more clinical perspective. The new edition of the highly successful Anaesthesia Science Viva Book incorporates this new clinical ...
The art of writing great science fiction is that it challenges theimagination, pushing it to extreme limits and in this anthology, selectingsome of the best modern science fiction from the last fifty ...
This Activity Book for Stage 6 contains exercises to support each topic in the Learner's Book, which may be completed in class or set as homework. Exercises are designed to consolidate understanding, ...
This Activity Book for Stage 5 contains exercises to support each topic in the Learner's Book, which may be completed in class or set as homework. Exercises are designed to consolidate understanding, ...
Environmental Science z serii Career Paths to publikacja przeznaczona dla osób przygotowujących się do pracy lub pracujących w zawodach związanych z ochroną środowiska, pragnących doskonalić znajomość...
Here are 25 stories of science fiction that push the envelope, by thebiggest names in an emerging new crop of high-tech futuristic SF -including Charles Stross, Robert Reed, Alastair Reynolds, Peter H...
This Learner's Book for Stage 5 covers all objectives required by the curriculum framework in an engaging, visually stimulating manner. Learning through enquiry is supported by suggestions for hands-o...
Cambridge Discovery Education Interactive Readers are the next generation of graded readers - captivating topics, high-impact video, and interactive exercises designed to motivate and engage. Come exp...
These activity books are designed to support Cambridge University Press? Primary Science series. They contain write-in exercises with completed examples where appropriate and teacher/parental guidance...
This is the only essential annual SF collection. Widely regarded as thebenchmark anthology for every science fiction fan, "The Mammoth Book ofBest New SF 20" continues to uphold its standard of excell...
The 20th century was the science fiction century, nowhere more apparentthan in David Hartwell's classic anthology of science fiction, firstpublished as The Science Fiction Century. Here in the second ...
So says David G. Hartwell in his introduction to The Science FictionCentury, an anthology spanning a hundred years of science fiction writing,from its birth in the 1890's to the future it predicted. H...
Advances in genetics have begun to deliver on their promise of new and improved approaches to the prevention and treatment of human disease, including the gene-based therapeutics. The international sp...