
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sciolki sobie", znaleziono 2

Reminiscence of a Roving Scholar
Reminiscence of a Roving Scholar
H. Yoke

This fascinating book presents the unusual career of a scientist of Chinese Malaysian origin, Ho Peng Yoke, who became a humanist and rendered his services to both Eastern and Western intellectual wor...

The Individuality of a Scholar and Advancement of Social Science. The Scholarship of Antoni Kukliński.
The Individuality of a Scholar and Advancement of Social Science. The Scholarship of Antoni Kukliński.

Tom podsumowujący działalność naukową i edytorską prof. Antoniego Kuklińskiego. Wydany z okazji 80. urodzin profesora. Tom w języku angielskim. From Editor's note: We would like to take this opportun...

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