
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "searc sobie", znaleziono 58

O starcu, który zwariował
O starcu, który zwariował
Wiesław Jankowski

Niektóre kłamstwa są tak wielkie, że zamieniają się w prawdę. Dawno temu, w wyniku tragicznego wypadku Stary Człowiek stracił żonę, która nie zdążyła mu dać potomstwa. Mężczyzna jednak wierzy, że ...

Wyznania starca
Wyznania starca
Italo Svevo

Po latach ciszy w Polsce ukazuje się kolejne dzieło Itala Sveva, urodzonego w Trieście włoskiego pisarza żydowskiego pochodzenia, obywatela chylącego się ku upadkowi imperium habsburskiego.Autor ten...

Hibernate Search
Hibernate Search
Steve Perkins

Użytkownicy aplikacji prawdopodobnie najczęściej korzystają z funkcji wyszukiwania. Ze strony interfejsu użytkownika problem wydaje się trywialny. Zupełnie inne zdanie na ten temat mają programiści. P...

Dziennik szalonego starca
3 wydania
Dziennik szalonego starca
Jun’ichirō Tanizaki
Seria: Proza Dalekiego Wschodu

Dziennik szalonego starca – jak wskazuje sam tytuł – jest zabawną, ale też wzruszającą powieścią o zmaganiach starego człowieka ze swoim ciałem. Tematem powieści jest walka ze starością i śmiercią, wa...

The Endless Search for Chopin
The Endless Search for Chopin
Janusz Ekiert

Jest to kronika wielkiej rywalizacji ponad tysiąca chopinistów - opowieść o radości zwycięzców i dramacie pokonanych. Chronologię walki o Grand Prix i inne nagrody przeplatają refleksje nad werdyktami...

Populations Of The Saarc Countries
Populations Of The Saarc Countries
J. Sarkar

The South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) encompasses seven countries of a large landmass containing one-fifth of the total global population. After the formation of SAARC in Augus...

Journey in Search of Koreas Beauty
Journey in Search of Koreas Beauty
Yong Joon Bae

Książka napisana przez koreańskiego aktora: Bae Yong Joona, który postanowił odkryć piękno tradycji i kultury Korei Południowej poprzez wyprawę przez ten piękny kraj. Wyprawa objęła 13 tematów podziel...

In the search of a language pedagogical paradigm
In the search of a language pedagogical paradigm
Michał Daszkiewicz, Anna Janina Dąbrowska

The book’s concept falls within the stream of search for the educational role of language and construction of the individual capital on an individual based on language. The texts included in this boo...

In Search of America. The Image of the United States in Travel Writing of the 1980's and 1990's
2 wydania
In Search of America. The Image of the United States in Travel Writing of the 1980's and 1990's
Małgorzata Rutkowska

Praca jest próbą charakterystyki cech gatunkowych reportażu podróżniczego. Przedmiotem analizy są opisy podróży dziewięciu amerykańskich autorów opublikowane w latach 1979-1999. Dwa pierwsze rozdziały...

Colin Kapp
Cykl: Cageworld, tom 4

To see the stars. This was the great and paradoxical dream. To stand and look upward into space, at the myriad pin-points of light, forever out of reach, just as their forebears on Earth had in the l...

Great Dinosaur Search
Great Dinosaur Search

With nearly 100 prehistoric animals and plants to spot on every double-page spread, young readers will be absorbed in hours of serious puzzle fun. Find ferocious Tyrannosaurus in a tangled Jurassic fo...

Search of Nation
Search of Nation
Deborah Cornelius

The Treaty of Trianon attempted to carve nation-states out of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, compelling individuals to "choose" an identity. The interaction between Hungarian intellectuals and laboure...

Understanding Search Engines
Understanding Search Engines
M. Berry

The second edition of Understanding Search Engines: Mathematical Modeling and Text Retrieval follows the basic premise of the first edition by discussing many of the key design issues for building sea...

Enterprise Search Handbook
Enterprise Search Handbook
M. White

In all organizations, the value and volume of unstructured information is significantly greater than that of structured data. Organizations rely on folder structures and information architecture to lo...

Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization
K. Jones

Welcome to the only guidebook series that takes a visual approach to professional-level computer topics. Open the book and you'll discover step-by-step screen shots that demonstrate over 140 key searc...

The Alpha's Search
The Alpha's Search
Natalie Shaw
Cykl: The Craven Trilogy, tom 1

After a search which spanned four decades, Craven isn't about to let anything stand in the way of his reunion with his fated mate. Even if she has no idea who he is. Jackie Coleman loves to read para...

In Search of Lost Time v.2
In Search of Lost Time v.2
Marcel Proust

In Within a Budding Grove, the second volume of Proust's great novel, the narrator emerges as an actor in the drama of his own life, and as an avid explorer of new worlds - social, sexual and artistic...

The Lost King: The Search for Richard III
The Lost King: The Search for Richard III
Philippa Langley

The official inside story of the discovery of the bones of Richard III now a major motion picture starring Sally Hawkins and Steve Coogan The mystery of who Richard III really was has fascinated his...

In Search of Memory
In Search of Memory
Eric Richard Kandel

Memory binds our mental life together. We are who we are in large part because of what we learn and remember. But how does the brain create memories? Nobel Prize winner Eric R. Kandel intertwines the...

In search of Elvis
In search of Elvis
Charlie Connelly

IN SEARCH OF ELVIS sees Charlie Connelly set off on a journey to discover what makes Elvis so significant today and how his spirit is being kept alive more than half a century after he changed popular...

Economics of Search V1
Economics of Search V1
Brian McCall, John J. McCall

The economics of search is a prominent component of economic theory, and it has a richness and elegance that underpins a host of practical applications. In this book Brian and John McCall present a co...

Readymade Job Search Letters
Readymade Job Search Letters
L. Williams

A well-written letter can help you to secure a job interview. It directs attention to your good points and away from your weaker ones, helping you to create the right impression and get your point acr...

In search of Excellence
In search of Excellence
T. Peters

The "Greatest Business Book of All Time" (Bloomsbury UK), In Search of Excellence has long been a must-have for the boardroom, business school, and bedside table. Based on a study of forty-three of Am...

Search Models & Applied Labor Economics
Search Models & Applied Labor Economics
Nicholas Kiefer

This collection of papers marks the development of empirical application of the search approach to labor economics - an approach which arose as a theoretical development of the 1960s and led to numero...

In Search of Structural Power
In Search of Structural Power
P. Holden

Offering a clear and logical analysis of the panoply of European Union aid policies and a theoretically informed evaluation of their operation, Patrick Holden contends that the major thrust of EU aid ...

EverWorld 01 Search For Senna
EverWorld 01 Search For Senna
Katherine Applegate

David's life was pretty normal. School. Friends. Girlfriend. Actually, Senna was probably the oddest aspect of his life. She was beautiful. Smart. But there was something very different about her. Som...

Search for the Dice Man
Search for the Dice Man
Luke Rhinehart

The sequel to the cult classic The Dice Man, this book can also change your life! Larry Rhinehart is the son of an infamous father -- the renegade psychiatrist Luke Rhinehart, otherwise known as the D...

Search for the Lost Jedi
Search for the Lost Jedi
Ryder Windham
Cykl: Episode I Adventures, tom 1

A Jedi Master is missing. She is trapped in a hostile fortress. Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and their fellow Jedi are her only hope. The rescue has begun.

Differential Evolution In Search of Solutions
Differential Evolution In Search of Solutions
V. Feoktistov

The human being aspires to the best possible performance. Both individuals and enterprises are looking for optimal - in other words, the best possible - solutions for situations or problems they face....

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