Bieszczady to wyjątkowy i magiczny zakątek Polski. To szumiące trawami połonin, nie najwyższe, a jednak majestatyczne góry, dzika przyroda i ślady dawnej wielokulturowej historii. Nad pięknem tej kra...
Published a year after The Great Gatsby, this short-story collection showcases many of the celebrated novel’s themes, as well as its unique writing style. Two of the most famous tales, the beautifully...
The smart, sassy, sexy sequel to THE FIDELITY FILES. Jennifer Hunter is an expert on men. She can tell if they're single, married or lying... Once a professional honey trap, she now runs a company whi...
That Mark Haddon's first book after The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time was a poetry collection perhaps came as a surprise to his legions of fans; that it is a collection of such virtuos...