
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "seniora snie", znaleziono 12

Transduction Channels in Sensory Cells
Transduction Channels in Sensory Cells
S. Frings

The editors have assembled expert authors from all fields of sensory physiology for an authoritative overview of the mechanisms of sensory signal transduction in both vertebrates and invertebrates, ba...

Teaching culture in the FL senior high school classroom
Teaching culture in the FL senior high school classroom
Marek Derenowski

W książce podjęto próbę zdefiniowania miejsca kultury języka angielskiego w klasie językowej oraz opisano proces nauczania kultury w kontekście szkoły ponadgimnazjalnej. Pierwsze dwa rozdziały zawiera...

Information Processing and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networ
Information Processing and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networ
Y. Yu

This book presents state-of-the-art cross-layer optimization techniques for energy-efficient information processing and routing in wireless sensor networks. Besides providing a survey on this importan...

Security in Sensor Networks
Security in Sensor Networks
Y. Xiao

§ Covers all aspects of sensor security and related topics§ Examines encryption, authentication, and watermarking § Reviews components of key management such as group key management in sensor netwo...

Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks
E. Serpedin

Wireless sensor networks are set to play a key role in a wide range of civilian and military applications, with tiny sensors connected through wireless links performing various sensing, computing, com...

Changing in Sensory Motor Behavior in Aging
Changing in Sensory Motor Behavior in Aging
Anne Ferrandez

Recently, studies on aging processes and age-related changes in behavior have been expanding considerably, probably due to the dramatic changes observed in the demographics. This increase in the overa...

Immediate Early Genes in Sensory Processing
Immediate Early Genes in Sensory Processing
R. Pinaud

Immediate Early Genes (IEGs) are a class of genes that are rapidly expressed without new protein synthesis and, in most cases, in direct response to synaptic input. The most widely studied IEGs in neu...

Security in RFID and Sensor Networks
Security in RFID and Sensor Networks
Y. Zhang

Interest in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) recently exploded globally in both industry and academia, but security is one of the key issues standing in the way of broad deployment of RFID system...

Self organization in Sensor and Actor Networks
Self organization in Sensor and Actor Networks
Falko Dressler

"Self-Organization in Sensor and Actor Networks" explores self-organization mechanisms and methodologies concerning the efficient coordination between intercommunicating autonomous systems. Self-organ...

Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Network
Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Network
E. Cayirci

This advanced book is a comprehensive guide to security issues in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. The book is organized into two main sections. The first, gives an introduction to the fundamental...

Advances in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Advances in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
M. Cheng

Wireless ad hoc networks, mobile or static, have special resource requirements and topology features, which make them different from classic computer networks in resource management, routing, media ac...

Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries
Senior in the social and media spaces. Examples of Visegrád Group countries

Z recenzji wydawniczej: "The rate of the changes is of significant importance and specifically affects the seniors’ lives. Elders, due to their age and changing social position, are often deprived of...

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