
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "service space", znaleziono 4

IP Communications and Services for NGN
IP Communications and Services for NGN
J. Aqbinya

Rapid deployment and acceptance of broadband networks, including the 802.11 a/b/g, 3G cellular networks, WiMAX, and emerging 4G cellular IP networks, have sparked a growing reliance on voice over IP a...

Advanced QoS for Multi Service IP MPLS Networks
Advanced QoS for Multi Service IP MPLS Networks
R. Balakrishnan

Understand the features and benefits of service-aware hierarchical Quality of Service (QoS) and how to use QoS for designing and implementing IP networks with Advanced QoS for Multi-Service IP/MPLS Ne...

Wireless & Mobile All-IP Core Networks & Services
Wireless & Mobile All-IP Core Networks & Services
Y. Lin

Looks at the number one advancement currently emerging from 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) in global wireless growth: the development of wireless applications based only on the Internet P...

IMS IP Multimedia Concepts and Services 3e
IMS IP Multimedia Concepts and Services 3e
M. Poikselka

The IMS builds on the success of the first two editions to provide comprehensive coverage of IMS: its concepts, architecture, protocols and functionalities. It has been completely revised to include a...

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