Komiks dla miłośników popularnego serialu o przygodach dwunastoletniego, psotnego chłopca Gumballa, ukrytego pod postacią niebieskiego kota. Główny bohater mieszka w niewielkim miasteczku Elmore w Sta...
Drugi z dwóch tomów opowiadań. Connie Willis (ur. 1945) amerykańska pisarka science fiction. Debiutowała w 1970 roku, a pierwszą powieść opublikowała w dwanaście lat później. Jest najczęściej hono...
Starożytny artefakt o niewysłowionej mocy i grupa złoczyńców, która zrobi wszystko, aby go zdobyć – oto przepis na katastrofę. Żeby jej zapobiec, Strażnicy Galaktyki muszą skorzystać z pomocy X-Men. C...
Fotoalbum poświęcony krążownikom Admirał Hipper i Prinz Eugen zawiera 148 cz-b zdjęć wysokiej jakości wzbogaconych szczegółowymi opisami.
Przekazujemy Państwu drugi z ośmiu tomów podręczników do nauki fachowego języka angielskiego przeznaczonych dla wykładowców i studentów uczelni technicznych, inżynierów, projektantów, konstruktorów i ...
The story opens as middle school student Takao Kasuga receives an F on a math test. But he doesn’t even seem to notice because he’s too engrossed in surreptitiously reading Beaudelaire’s The Flowers o...
In this second installment, a surreal triangle begins to form between bookworm Kasuga and two girls from his middle school class: model student Saeki and reject extraordinaire Nakamura. Having stolen ...
A whorl of the perverse generated by the reject and the bookworm threatens to lure in the class prima donna in this enchanting installment.
In the fourth volume of Flowers of Evil, Takao makes his decision... He will try to win the affection of one his muses. This will be no simple task, as the teens in this manga drama are all now damage...
In this sixth volume of The Flowers of Evil, Takao and Nakamura are now deep in the darkness. After creating their own secret world in the rice paddies of rural Gunma, someone who resented their rela...
In the seventh volume of The Flowers of Evil, readers are sent to a completely new time and locale. Takao and Sawa have been forcibly separated. Takao is now living in suburbs of the big city. His pa...
Takao Kasuga is a bookworm. And his favorite book right now is Baudelaire's Flowers of Evil. While the young man may often be seen lost in thought as he rabidly consumes page after page, Takao is not...
Takao Kasuga is a bookworm. And his favorite book right now is Baudelaire's Flowers of Evil. While the young man may often be seen lost in thought as he rabidly consumes page after page, Takao is not...
Just when Alice was getting used to life in Wonderland, a wild card appears that changes everything: the enigmatic Joker. Now the dangers are even greater as Alice must dodge bullets and stave off psy...
In Wonderland's April Season, Alice can enjoy some seasonal treats for a change—like a summer festival and even Halloween! But every time she travels between domains, she must first beat the Joker at ...
April season stretches on in Wonderland, giving Alice a chance to enjoy Nightmare's winter festival. But the seasons are shifting, and Joker, the gatekeeper for Alice's travels, guards more than the d...
In the quest to free her sister, Alice faces terrible truths. Something about her life in her old world is tangling her up inside, and it's not just her residual feelings about her lost love. Now, in ...
“I COULD LOCK HER AWAY AND MAKE HER MINE, IF I FELT LIKE IT. BUT THAT WOULDN’T FIX THE PROBLEM, WOULD IT?” Alice may have chosen her suitor, but the specter of Joker looms over April Season, while h...
TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 7th Edition provides the latest, internationally agreed-upon standards to describe and categorize cancer stages and progression. Published in affiliation with ...
The Toa are six warriors with a single destiny -- they must restore peace to the land of Mata Nui at any cost. In this new series of adventures, your child will travel with the chosen champions throug...