Piwo, jedzenie i przyjaciele - trzy rzeczy, które każdy szanujący się hobbit wymieni jako najbliższe swojemu sercu (prawdopodobnie w tej właśnie kolejności). "Mądrości Shire" skupiają się także na inn...
Featuring more than 1,700 unique designs from all over the world, TypoShirtOne is the first book to focus exclusively on T-shirt typography. Spanningmessage and logo T-shirts to more abstract and arty...
Wraz z rozpoczęciem drugiego roku studiów spokojne życie Blake Howard niespodziewanie wywraca się do góry nogami. Przez nieprzyjemne doświadczenia ze współlokatorką dziewczyna musi wyprowadzić się z ...
Kontynuacja Red Shirt! Blake nadal nie wyznała Callumowi, że spotyka się z jego najlepszym kumplem. Ona i Hayden planują, by w końcu to zrobić, ponieważ trzymanie związku w tajemnicy każdego dnia ...
This 400-page book features hundreds of colorful examples of the T-shirt at its legendary best, from its humble origins as an undergarment to its current star status as a classic piece of clothing wor...
Carrie Fitzgerald jest najszczęśliwszą dziewczyną. Jako jedyna drugoklasistka należy do uniwersyteckiej drużyny koszykówki, dostaje najlepsze role w szkolnych przedstawieniach i ma najprzystojniejszeg...
Jesteś kreatywna i kochasz modę? Masz swój indywidualny styl i nie znosisz wyglądać tak jak inni? Nie lubisz być przewidywalna? Jeśli tak, to ta książka jest w sam raz dla ciebie! Stwórz swój styl zap...
Zacznij oszczędzać już dziś, nie tylko na podatkach ale i wiedzy o nich. Czy wiesz, że koszt pomocy kancelarii przy optymalizacji podatkowej sięga kilkudziesięciu tysięcy złotych? Ta lektura oferuje C...
Perhaps the ultimate icon of this generation, the 't-shirt' originated from tea and shirts. The history claims that seventeenth-century workers downloading tea boxes from boats in the harbour of Annap...
When Jeremiah and Amanda fight over their toys, their teacher tells them they have to share. Soon, Jeremiah finds himself wearing Amanda's pink shoes, and Amanda parades around in Jeremiah's clothes. ...
Language, Land, and Gender in Berber Morocco" explores how political economic shifts over the last century have reshaped the language practices and ideologies of women (and men) in the plains and moun...
From international bestselling authors, Ker Dukey and K Webster comes a steamy reverse harem standalone story from their KKinky Reads collection! They have one job. Keep me safe. But none of us ar...
"T-Shirt Factory" features designs selected by Beams T, a hugely popular fashion retail chain and manufacturer in Japan devoted to T-shirts. Beams T regards the T-shirt as a canvas for new ideas in ar...
Providing global coverage in a new, two-volume format, Market Share Reporter presents comparative business statistics in a clear, straightforward manner, providing an overview of international compani...
Joe Cashin was different once. He moved easily then. He was surer and less thoughtful. But there are consequences when you?ve come so close to dying. For Cashin, they included a posting away from the ...
Financial journalist Miniter debunks the popular misconception that bigger is better, citing that increased market share doesn't equal increased profitability. Using examples such as the Daimler Benz-...
Here at last is the bible of T-shirt design today. 82 studios from aroundthe world contribute their best designs to create a global view of thecurrent thriving state of T-shirt land. Tees is packed wi...
How do companies in mature markets'where savings from cost-cutting have been exhausted and breakthrough innovations are hard to come by'achieve sustainable increases in profits? For decades, managers ...
This nostalgic and charming volume contains the words and music for morethan 75 beloved Christmas carols. From uplifting and joyful carols tomoving and powerful hymns, these are the songs that embody ...
More people are creating more wealth today than at any time in history. Even with the market dip in 2001-2003 the number of people with at least a million dollars in net worth is growing at nearly a d...
After the business plan, the first step for any new company is choosing a name - a seemingly simple activity but one that can prove extremely challenging. The next and equally challenging step is des...