
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "signals sobie", znaleziono 18

Electronic Noise & Interfering Signals
Electronic Noise & Interfering Signals
G. Vasilescu

Electronic Noise and Interfering Signals is a comprehensive reference book on noise and interference in electronic circuits, with particular focus on low-noise design. The first part of the book deals...

Reconstruction of Chaotic Signals
Reconstruction of Chaotic Signals
J. Feng

This book provides a systematic review of the fundamental theory of signal reconstruction and the practical techniques used in reconstructing chaotic signals. Specific applications of signal reconstru...

Theory & Evaluation of Single-Molecule Signals
Theory & Evaluation of Single-Molecule Signals
E. Barkai

This book reviews recently developed theoretical and numerical approaches to deal with optical and mechanical signals from individual molecules. The character of data generated by single molecules, an...

Komputer Ortmana
Komputer Ortmana
Robert Tralins

Z okładki: Jeżeli lubisz Ludluma, to kup natychmiast najnowszą powieść Roberta Tralinsa, "Komputer Ortmana"! O ten wyjątkowy komputer walczą ze sobą Mossad, KGB, arabscy terroryści z OWP, a także taje...

Skalna Kołyska
3 wydania
Skalna Kołyska
Jim Crace

Rok 1836. Amerykański żaglowiec osiada podczas sztormu na mieliźnie w pobliżu angielskiego wybrzeża. Załoga jest zmuszona opuścić statek i zejść na brzeg. Obecność rozbitków zakłóca spokój cichej ryba...

Radar Signals
Radar Signals
N. Levanon

A text and general reference on the design and analysis of radar signals As radar technology evolves to encompass a growing spectrum of applications in military, aerospace, automotive, and other secto...

Practical Digital Wireless Signals
E. McCune

Do you need to know what signal type to select for a wireless application? Quickly develop a useful expertise in digital modulation with this practical guide, based on the author’s experience of over ...

Spectral Analysis of Signals
Spectral Analysis of Signals
Peter Stoica

For introductory courses on Spectral Analysis at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level. An accessible text for students, researchers, and practitioners in the general area of Signal Processing,...

Discrete Signals & Inverse Problems
Discrete Signals & Inverse Problems
J. Carlos Santamarina

Discrete Signals and Inverse Problems examines fundamental concepts necessary to engineers and scientists working with discrete signal processing and inverse problem solving, and places emphasis on th...

Introduction to Random Signals & Noise
Introduction to Random Signals & Noise
Van Etten

Random signals and noise are present in many engineering systems and networks. Signal processing techniques allow engineers to distinguish between useful signals in audio, video or communication equip...

Signals Systems and Transforms
Signals Systems and Transforms
Ch Philips

A clear, comprehensive presentation of both the theory and applications in signals, systems, and transforms, this book presents the mathematical background of signals and systems in relation to practi...

Signals and Systems 4e
Signals and Systems 4e
R. Ziemer

Appropriate for courses in Signals and Systems. A market leader in previous editions, this book continues to offer complete, separate treatment survey of continuous and discrete linear systems. It uti...

Circuits Signals & Systems for Bioengineers
Circuits Signals & Systems for Bioengineers
John L. Semmlow

Approaches such as the Transfer Function and the Fourier and the Laplace transforms are important tools for bioengineers that often considered borrowed from electrical engineering. This text allows bi...

Detecting Environmental, Industrial & Biomedical Signals
Detecting Environmental, Industrial & Biomedical Signals
Mauro De Palma, Pietro Mario Lugara, Salvatore Nuzzo, Luisa Torsi

This volume contains reports on state-of-the-art studies relevant to signal detection in important scientific areas such as environmental, industrial and biomedical monitoring. Critical issues in the ...

Signals Systems Transforms & Digital Signal Processing
Signals Systems Transforms & Digital Signal Processing
M. Corinthios

This text relies on graphics, the language of scientists and engineers, for the physical interpretation of subtle mathematical concepts. It establishes a solid background in Fourier, Laplace, and z tr...

Simulation Techniques Models of Communication Signals & Proc
Simulation Techniques Models of Communication Signals & Proc
Floyd Gardner

The first volume of a combined book and computer program for the simulation of communication systems. It is devoted to the modeling of signals and the processes operating upon them in the transmission...

Signals and Systems Analysis in Biomedical Engineering 2e
Signals and Systems Analysis in Biomedical Engineering 2e
R. Northrop

The first edition of this text, based on the author's 30 years of teaching and research on neurosensory systems, helped biomedical engineering students and professionals strengthen their skills in the...

Ultra Wideband Signals & Systems in Communication Enginee 2e
Ultra Wideband Signals & Systems in Communication Enginee 2e
Mohammad Ghavami

The thoroughly revised and updated second edition of "Ultra Wideband Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering" features new standards, developments and applications. It addresses not only rece...

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