
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sil jak eragon", znaleziono 3

Smok wawelski The dragon of the Wawel Hill
Smok wawelski The dragon of the Wawel Hill
Jarosław Żukowski

Legendę o smoku wawelskim zna każdy z nas. Przekażmy jej treść naszym dzieciom. Bajka o młodym, ale niezwykle mądrym szewczyku, który ocalił gród Kraka. Wersja polsko-angielska.

How to Kill a Dragon - Aspects of Indo-European Poetics
How to Kill a Dragon - Aspects of Indo-European Poetics
Calvert Watkins

In How to Kill a Dragon Calvert Watkins follows the continuum of poetic formulae in Indo-European languages, from Old Hittite to medieval Irish. He uses the comparative method to reconstruct tradition...

The Dragon Under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version
The Dragon Under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version
Alex Fonteyn

Adapted from the classic Polish tale, The Dragon under the Hill tells the story of an ancient principality and its inhabitants’ struggle with an uninvited and extremely unwelcome guest! An evil fire b...

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