Erudycyjna proza o twórczości i życiu trzech tytułowych gigantów — zwłaszcza dla czytelników, którzy dobrze znają ich dzieła. To osobowości wymykające się dookreśleniu czy jednoznaczności. Lech Bukows...
Ladder diagram (LAD) and function block diagram (FBD) are the graphic-oriented programming languages in the programming software STEP 7. Now in its fourth edition, this book introduces in the latest v...
Śladami Polskich Gąsienic to seria książek, w której autorzy starają się przedstawić wszystkie aspekty działań naszych wojsk pancernych, walczących w szeregach Polskich Sił Zbrojnych na Zachodzie w la...
Kompendium wiedzy na temat ruchu mesjanistycznego.
Having established its SPAD VII as the most effective French fighter of 1916, the Societs strove to improve the model with a 220hp Hispano Suiza 8B engine and two machine guns. Despite initial teethin...
Nineteen year old Penelope "Nell" O'Hara is geared up for the worst Christmas of her life. The guy she's been dating just dumped her for her best friend, and all she has to look forward to over the br...
Lose yourself in a dazzling world of fire and ice in Book 2 of the bestselling A Shade of Dragon trilogy. Only a few hours ago, it had been New Year's night in Beggar's Hole, Maine. Nell's biggest pro...
The FINAL book of Nell and Theon's trilogy releases 5 February 2016! Return to The Hearthlands.
Diran used to make his living as an assassin --- one of the best moneycould buy. But after a life-altering spiritual experience, he's turned hisback on killing. All he wants is peace. But in a shoddy ...
The concluding volume in Waggoners critically acclaimed Blade of the Flameseries that follows a former assassin trying to change his life and setthe world to right.
From his infamous libertine novels to his championing of atheism, the Marquis de Sade's writing remains as powerful and shocking today as when it was first published. This Very Short Introduction dise...
Living in the war-ravaged realm of Eberron, assassin-turned-priest DiranBastiaan and his half-orc sidekick, Ghaji, make an unlikely pair. Onelooks like the stuff of nightmares, while the other is " a ...