
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "slaw sf na", znaleziono 186

Law of Succession
Law of Succession
ks. Franciszek Jakub Longchamps de Bérier

The experience of comparative law extends the experience of Roman law, verifies it and points to the dead-end alleys into which one can be led if the precepts of Roman law are slavishly followed. Roma...

Goddess of Law
Goddess of Law
Bianca Patricia
Cykl: Bogowie, tom 2

Scarlett nie widziała Dominica od roku, a rany w jej sercu już prawie się zagoiły. Obiecała sobie, że nigdy więcej nie pozwoli mu się do siebie zbliżyć. Kobieta zaczyna układać sobie życie, planuje w...

Principles of European Contract Law & Dutch Law
Principles of European Contract Law & Dutch Law
Danny Busch

The Principles of European Contract Law, prepared by the so-called Lando Commission, today constitute the most advanced project on the harmonisation of European private law. As well as providing a set...

Lexicon of law terms
Lexicon of law terms
Ewa Myrczek

This second edition of Lexicon of Terms aims to give practical guidance to law students, lawyers, legal secretaries, paralegals, legal executives, ESP teachers, interpreters, translators and professio...

Unification of Tort Law
Unification of Tort Law
W. Rogers

The foundations of tort law differ considerably in the various European legal systems. For a number of years a group of tort law experts, the European Group on Tort Law, has been engaged in a systemat...

Handbook of Polish Law
Handbook of Polish Law
Andrzej J. Szwarc, Wojciech Dajczak, Paweł Wiliński

Its authors are professors and academics at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, which is intensively and successfully developing various forms of interna...

Lexicon of Law Terms
Lexicon of Law Terms
Ewa Myrczek-Kadłubicka

This third edition of Lexicon of Law Terms aims to give practical guidance to law students, lawyers, legal secretaries, paralegals, legal executives, ESP teachers, interpreters, translators and profes...

Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
Mc Cormack

The world's only annual publication devoted to the study of the laws of armed conflict, the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law provides a truly international forum for high-quality, peer-revie...

Methodology of Uniform Contract Law
Methodology of Uniform Contract Law
M. Heidemann

Despite ever growing international trade and dispute settlement, a consistent international methodology of uniform private law has yet to be formed. The potential of uniform law has not yet been fully...

Neutralization of values in law
Neutralization of values in law
Krzysztof Pałecki

The reflections in this volume clearly point to the significant practical influence of axiology on every aspect of legal activity (making, applying, executing, observing law, etc.). Legal science and ...

Between complexity of law and lack of order. Philosophy of law in the era of globalization
Between complexity of law and lack of order. Philosophy of law in the era of globalization

The book tackles significant contemporary problems that each historian of law faces in the light of present decline of philosophical, ethical and ideological canons in the overall context of western c...

Creation and enforcement of financial market law in the light of the economisation of law
Creation and enforcement of financial market law in the light of the economisation of law
Tomasz Nieborak

This book raises some topical issues around the creation and enforcement of financial market law through the prism of the economisation of law. Its topicality arises from the fact that today when ever...

Politics of law and legal policy
Politics of law and legal policy
Tadeusz Biernat, Marek Zirk-Sadowski

This book is of fundamental value in current legal research. It is a sound theoretical project, and shows the possibilities of dealing with complex social issues in legislation.

Challenge of Conflict International Law Responds
Challenge of Conflict International Law Responds
J. Gardam

The papers in this collection bring together a wide and diverse range of viewpoints to consider how the catastrophic consequences of deadly armed conflict can be addressed. Commentators are drawn from...

Architecture of European Codes & Contract Law
Architecture of European Codes & Contract Law
Stefan Grundmann

The ongoing debate on the harmonisation of European contract law has metamorphosed into an important recognition: that none of the existing national systems of contract law, even the most 'modern,' ha...

Multilingualism & the Harmonisation of European Law
Multilingualism & the Harmonisation of European Law
B. Pozzo

As European lawyers dealing with cross-border issues quickly learn, the terms contract, contrat, and contratto signify three very different legal concepts. This illustration highlights the importance ...

Key Aspects of German Business Law
Key Aspects of German Business Law
M. Wendler

This book is the third edition of the well received "Key Aspects of German Business Law". Due to the great number of changes in the German Civil Code and Tax Law, this edition is a particularly import...

Common Core Of European Private Law
Common Core Of European Private Law
M. Bussani

European Private Law is in the Making. Many scholarly and official projects tackle the many issues that are open in the path of the unfolding of a more uniform European legal culture. None of such pro...

Concise Commentary of European IT Law
Concise Commentary of European IT Law
Corien Prins

"Concise European IT Law" aims to offer the reader a rapid understanding of all the provisions of IT law in force in Europe enacted by European and other international institutions. This volume takes ...

Studies In The Philosophy Of Law
Studies In The Philosophy Of Law
Bartosz Paweł Brożek, Jerzy Marian Stelmach

The problem of legal normativity is one the most controversial issues in the philosophy of law. It was already a subject of heated debate in the 19th century and, over the last one hund-red years, the...

Outline of Polish Labour Law System
Outline of Polish Labour Law System
Krzysztof Baran, Bolesław M. Ćwiertniak, Dominika Dörre-Kolasa, Zbigniew Góral ...

The book is a complete analysis of the institution of the Polish labour law. It covers issues regarding both individual and group working relationships, especially those which involve trade unions, wo...

Prawo Ciążenia The Law Of Gravity
Prawo Ciążenia The Law Of Gravity
Idzior Lech Kazimierz

Autor proponuje nam drogę, którą nazwałęm "Dramatem o oswajaniu samotności". Zbudował ją na okręgu. Podzielił na cztery stany świadomości. Ich styczne stają się kolejnymi etapami podróży - kolejnymi o...

Tax avoidance and rationality of law
Tax avoidance and rationality of law
Hanna Filipczyk

"Fiscal" and "moral termites" (in the words of Vito Tanzi and John Braithwaite) are eating away taxes due, not only by tax evasion but also by a more sophisticated conduct: tax avoidance. "Tax Avoidan...

Consumer Protection Law in Poland from the Perspective of EU Law
Consumer Protection Law in Poland from the Perspective of EU Law
Beata Pachuca-Smulska

Ta angielskojęzyczna monografia stanowi krótkie omówienie najważniejszych zagadnień związanych z ochroną praw konsumenta w prawie polskim oraz unijnym. Autorzy opisują oraz komentują obowiązujące w ty...

Constitutional Law of 15 EU Member States
Constitutional Law of 15 EU Member States
L. Prakke

This book was first published in Dutch in 1981. It was called `Het staatsrecht van de landen der Europese Gemeenschappen (Constitutional Law of the EC Member States) and covered the then nine member s...

Settlement of Disputes in Tax Treaty Law
Settlement of Disputes in Tax Treaty Law
M. Lang

In a world of tight legal and economic networks, tax disputes are on the increase. Until recently, mutual agreement procedures have virtually been the only means of settling such tax disputes amicably...

Protection of the Right to Education by International Law
Protection of the Right to Education by International Law
Klaus Dieter Beiter

A trend has emerged of not defining education as a 'human right' anymore, but of rather calling it a 'human need'. This has paved the way for an ever increasing commercialisation of education, excludi...

International Law on the Rights of the Child
International Law on the Rights of the Child
Geraldine van Bueren

This volume draws upon the author's own experience to highlight the complexities behind the global violations of children's rights. Analysis and description are interwoven to provide a coherent study ...

European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2010
European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2010
C. Herrmann

The first volume of the new Yearbook tries to catch the broadness of contemporary International Economic Law. In part I, it brings together articles on a variety of subjects, reaching from exchange ra...

Fundamentals of United States Intellectual Property Law
Fundamentals of United States Intellectual Property Law
C. Nard, S. Halpern

This completely revised and up to date Second Edition of this well received work offers in one volume a comprehensive review of United States copyright, patent, and trademark laws. It provides thoroug...

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