Zwolnij, żeby zobaczyć Gdańsk Subiektywny przewodnik w zwolnionym tempie po ważnych i mniej znanych atrakcjach Gdańska, Sopotu i Gdyni. W Trójmieście mieszkam od urodzenia, a gdybym miała opisać je je...
In the rapidly growing information society, copyright law plays a central role in the creation, production, dissemination and use of creative material and the information it contains. In the past 15 y...
This book is an updated English language version of a highly regarded commentary published in German by Springer in 2001, covering all of the EU Directives on copyright law and related rights, with ar...
Acclaim for volume 1:'Copyright is increasingly broad in scope and the range of perspectives that can be applied to study it is equally wide - not just IP law but legal philosophy, economics, cultural...
'Copyright is increasingly broad in scope and the range of perspectives that can be applied to study it is equally wide - not just IP law but legal philosophy, economics, cultural studies, ethnography...
Acclaim for volume 1: 'Copyright is increasingly broad in scope and the range of perspectives that can be applied to study it is equally wide - not just IP law but legal philosophy, economics, cultura...
This fourth volume in the series contains further exploration of the main themes considered in the first three volumes and brings together perspectives on copyright from law and legal theory, politica...
This is a comprehensive guide to the whole field of national, international and regional copyright law. Drawing together a range of material into one volume, it combines extensive reference materials...