
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "slowa edie on", znaleziono 3

Inverse Stochastic Modeling of Flow Porous Media
Inverse Stochastic Modeling of Flow Porous Media
M. Le Ravalec-Dupin

In order to understand fluid flows in underground porous formations, engineers need to produce models, in the form of grid systems populated with physical properties such as permeability and porosity....

Essentials of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Essentials of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
G. Pinder

Mathematical-physical ways to express and address multiphase flow problems This resource introduces the fundamental concepts that underlie the physics of multiphase flow and transport in porous media....

One Show Interactive, Volume XI: Advertising's Best Interactive and New Media
One Show Interactive, Volume XI: Advertising's Best Interactive and New Media

Interactive advertising and new media have come a long way from simple pop-up ads and banners. Among the winners in this year's 2008 One Show Interactive Awards, you'll find work that inspires, entert...

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