Sagen und sagenhafte Erzahlungen in deutschen und polnischen Sammlungen der Provinz Posen 1815-1918.
How far would you go to save the ones you love? The first book in a gripping new crime series featuring DCI Anna Tate. When nine children are snatched from a nursery school in South London, their di...
Research is increasingly becoming more influential in the field of education and this Handbook brings together a range of top academic experts who represent diverse fields within and outside of educat...
''The editors of the SAGE Handbook of Research in International Education have brought together an impressive array of scholars whose cutting edge research addresses the growing field of international...
Knowledge, communication and creativity are obsessions of contemporary modern societies. The rhetoric of information, imagination, improvisation and play has invaded our daily lives and work spaces. H...
Ten years ago, critical theory and postmodernism were considered new and emerging theories in business and management. What will be the next new important theories to shape the field? In one edited vo...
It was a strange notion in 1900, that leading lights of the legitimate stage would ever join a bill of or short acts, everything from, and in between, song-and-dance, trained animals, blackface, aeria...
Adventures in Management is an insider′s view of corporate management in developing countries. Highlighting the key differences between the developing and developed countries in terms of issues of po...
Overcome shame and stigma; and bring a newly felt sense of safety, awareness, and life to your body. If you’ve experienced rape, sexual abuse, molestation, or sexual trauma, you may feel as if you...