This annual publication provides readers with the most accurate, complete, and up-to-date information on the work of the United Nations. Designed to serve international affairs experts, concerned citi...
SOMETIMES YOU CHOOSE YOUR BATTLES. AND SOMETIMES, THEY CHOOSE YOU... Once, Max dreamed of a career, a home, a loving family. Now all she wants is freedom...and revenge. A witch named Giselle transfor...
THERE ARE GOOD GUYS. THERE ARE BAD GUYS. AND THEN THERE’S MAX. Max knows what trusting the wrong person can cost you. Her former friend Giselle, a powerful witch, enslaved Max years ago, turning her ...
Sabrina's down on her luck, just when she needs it most--until she finds a magic spell that promises to change her old rabbit's foot into a real lucky charm. Suddenly everything's going her way! But S...
A misfired spell sends Sabrina into television shows, movies, and books, but how will she be able to pop back into real life?
When Sabrina finds a leprechaun in her kitchen, a joking remark leaves her in big trouble. Now she must steal the King of the Leprechauns' gold, which is stashed at the end of the rainbow.
The egg was large and round and mauvish. It sat in a nest of old moth-eaten blankets. The moment Cat touched it he knew it was very strange and valuable indeed. Spells always have consequences and it...
A guide to the management of common cardiological scenarios. This title offers a response from leading experts in each field, to the more common, and often poorly dealt with problems of cardiology. It...
Cambridge English for Schools 4 Workbook
Messages is a four - level course for lower - secondary students. Each level contains six modules of twój units, each divided into three manageable 'steps'. Clear aims and outcomes for each step mean ...
Messages is a four-level course for lower-secondary students. There are 6 modules of 2 units per level, each divided into 3 manageable steps. Clear aims and outcomes for each step mean students can pu...
English Plus Options to nowe wydanie bestsellerowego kursu English Plus dla uczniów VII i VIII klasy szkoły podstawowej. Podręcznik oferuje 100% nowego materiału i przygotowuje do egzaminu na koniec ó...
Your students will be enchanted by award winning author, Paul Shipton's episodic story at the beginning of each unit and they will want to know what happens next. Written especially for the course, th...
English Plus to dynamiczny, czteroczęsiowy kurs dla gimnazjalistów przygotowujący do egzaminu z języka angielskiego, zgodny z najnowszą podstawą programową. W skład każdego poziomu English Plus wchod...
Messages is a four - level course for lower - secondary students. Each level contains six modules of twój units, each divided into three manageable 'steps'. Clear aims and outcomes for each step mean ...
Messages is a four - level course for lower - secondary students. Each level contains six modules of twój units, each divided into three manageable 'steps'. Clear aims and outcomes for each step mean ...
Ćwicz i baw się! Począwszy od opowiadania historii i dopasowywania obrazków po pisanie listów, wszystkie te wciągające i interaktywne ćwiczenia pomagają Twojemu dziecku w utrwalaniu kluczowego słownic...
Ćwicz i baw się! Począwszy od opowiadania historii i dopasowywania obrazków po pisanie listów, wszystkie te wciągające i interaktywne ćwiczenia pomagają Twojemu dziecku w utrwalaniu kluczowego słownic...
Ćwicz i baw się! Począwszy od opowiadania historii i dopasowywania obrazków po pisanie listów, wszystkie te wciągające i interaktywne ćwiczenia pomagają Twojemu dziecku w utrwalaniu kluczowego słownic...