
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sobie engel", znaleziono 47

Nikt nie rodzi się mistrzem
Nikt nie rodzi się mistrzem
Władysław Jerzy Engel

Coaching i management czyli szkolenie ludzi i doprowadzanie do osiągania sukcesów to temat zawsze aktualny nie tylko w sporcie. Od kilkudziesięciu lat polskie reprezentacje piłkarskie i drużyny klubow...

Anioły naprawdę istnieją
2 wydania
Anioły naprawdę istnieją
Barbara Dussler

Historia dwunastolatki, która pokonała raka dzięki wielkiej sile woli - i niezwykłemu wsparciu "z góry" Przejmująca historia długotrwałej kuracji i walki ze śmiertelną chorobą, której dziewczynka staw...

Gotowe w 30 minut
Gotowe w 30 minut
Christina Engel, Karl Newedel

Nie zawsze mamy czas, aby gotować. Czy jedyną alternatywą mają być bary z fast foodami? Proponujemy proste dania z dokładnym opisem wykonania. Krok po kroku ilustracje prowadzą do uzyskania smacznej i...

Kiedy kobieta kocha kobietę
Kiedy kobieta kocha kobietę
Agata Engel-Bernatowicz, Alicja Długołęcka

Wewnątrz fotografie kobiet w intymnych sytuacjach podpatrzone okiem męskim i kobiecym. Lesbijek nie ma w powszechnej świadomości. O ich życiu psychoseksualnym niewiele wiadomo. Są elementem męskiej ...

Opas Engel
Opas Engel
Jutta Bauer

"Junge, mir konnte keiner was...", erzahlt der Grosvater seinem Enkel. Und der Junge hort gespannt zu, als ihm der Opa von seinem Leben berichtet und davon, dass er immer viel Gluck gehabt habe. Dass ...

The Revolution of Ivy
The Revolution of Ivy
Amy Engel
Cykl: Misja Ivy, tom 2

Ivy Westfall is beyond the fence and she is alone. Abandoned by her family and separated from Bishop Lattimer, Ivy must find a way to survive on her own in a land filled with countless dangers, both h...

ShaderX 4 Advanced Rendering Techniques
ShaderX 4 Advanced Rendering Techniques
W. Engel

ShaderX4: Lighting & Rendering is a new volume in this successful series. All of the articles are brand new and provide graphics and game programmers with innovative, ready-to-use techniques and tips ...

ShaderX5 Advanced Rendering Techniques
ShaderX5 Advanced Rendering Techniques
W. Engel

"Shader X5 Advanced Rendering Techniques" is the newest volume in this cutting-edge, indispensable series for graphics programmers. This all new volume is packed with articles covering state-of-the-ar...

Shader X6
Shader X6
W. Engel

Welcome to ShaderX6, the latest volume in the cutting-edge, indispensable series for game and graphics programmers. This all-new volume is packed with a collection of insightful techniques, innovative...

ShaderX3 Advanced Rendering with DirectX & OpenGL
ShaderX3 Advanced Rendering with DirectX & OpenGL
W. Engel

In the past few years, DirectX and graphics cards have rapidly improved, providing a more powerful and flexible rendering pipeline. With all of these advancements, vertex and pixel shaders are becomin...

Exploring Mathematics with your Computer
Exploring Mathematics with your Computer
A. Engel

This is a mathematics book, not a programming book, although it explains Pascal to beginners. It is aimed at high school students and undergraduates with a strong interest in mathematics, and teacher...

Thermodynamics & Statistical Thermodynamics & Kinetic
Thermodynamics & Statistical Thermodynamics & Kinetic
Thomas Engel

Thermodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics, and Kinetics is a groundbreaking new text that explains core topics in depth with a focus on basic principles, applications, and modern research. The author...

Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences
Thomas Engel

Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences addresses the educational needs of students majoring in biophysics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and other life sciences. It presents the core concepts of ...

Epilepsy A Comprehensive Textbook 3 vols
Epilepsy A Comprehensive Textbook 3 vols
J. Engel

Written and edited by world-renowned authorities, this three-volume work is, to quote a reviewer, "the definitive textbook about seizures and epilepsy". This Second Edition is thoroughly updated and g...

Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy 2e
Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy 2e
Thomas Engel

This full-color, modern physical chemistry text offers arresting illustrations that set it apart from others of its kind. The authors focus on core topics of physical chemistry, presented within a mod...

Physical Chemistry 2e
Physical Chemistry 2e
Thomas Engel

For two-semester courses in Physical Chemistry or Quantum Chemistry. This full-color, modern physical chemistry text offers arresting illustrations that set it apart from others of its kind. The autho...

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse
Breaking the Cycle of Abuse
Beverly Engel

If you were emotionally, physically, or sexually abused as a child or adolescent, or if you experienced neglect or abandonment, it isn't a question of whether you will continue the cycle of abuse or n...

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