Nr dopuszczenia: 733/2/2015 "Oxford Solutions" to nowe wydanie trzypoziomowego kursu, zgodnego z obowiązującą podstawą programową dla liceum i znowelizowaną ustawą o oświacie. Odpowiedź na zróżnicowan...
Compiles analytical solutions for a variety of structural elements and most standard structural problems Focuses on buckling that is characterized by bifurcation, static and elastic, and elasto-plasti...
The expectations of citizens in delivery of services by government institutions have increased over the last decade. Although, governments all over the world are involved in transforming methodologies...
Nearly forty percent of the world's 1 billion+ Internet users are wireless. It's a truly staggering fact to think that the majority of these wireless implementations are fundamentally insecure, leavin...
The Solutions Manual to Elements of Physical Chemistry 5/e contains full worked solutions to all end-of-chapter discusssion questions and exercises featured in the book. The manual provides helpful co...
Whilst always welcoming the system delivered with the required functionality, if it has been built with little or no consideration for the non-functional characteristics of the system, the welcome wou...
Bestsellerowy oksfordzki kurs dla szkół ponadgimnazjalnych napisany na podstawie opinii zebranych wśród nauczycieli. Teraz więcej: • elastyczności • słuchania i mówienia • słownictwa Poziom kształceni...
The solutions manual for students provides answers to approximately 25 percent of the text's end of chapter problems, in the same format and with the same level of detail as the Worked Examples in the...
Examines how risk management security technologies must prevent virus and computer attacks, as well as providing insurance and processes for natural disasters such as fire, floods, tsunamis, terrorist...
Larry J. Koenig, Ph.D., creator of the hugely popular Smart Discipline® seminars, explains his simple, dramatically effective system to help children follow the rules at home and at school. It is easi...
Ideal intermediate-level book for programmers to turn to once they have read the introductory books. Identifies what can go wrong and provides refactored solutions for each pitfall complete with code....
Now updated to cover the latest program version, this is the ultimate full-color guide for Photoshop Elements users want to get the most out of the program This new edition features a tighter organiza...
Richardson et al provide the student of chemical engineering with full worked solutions to the problems posed in Chemical Engineering Volume 2 'Particle Technology and Separation Processes' 5th Editio...
FAQs for TAs is a friendly and accessible guide covering the core questions that both new and existing teaching assistants may have about their jobs. Arranged in question and answer format, it covers ...
House Beautiful The Organized Home: Stylish Storage Solutions For Every Room