
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "spanish se na", znaleziono 6

Spanish 2e
Spanish 2e

Lonely Planet's Fast Talk Spanish does just what is says on the packet. It'll have you talking Spanish - and fast! (Although you may be speaking a language all your own after a bit too much sangria.)2...

Spanish Phrasebook 3e
2 wydania
Spanish Phrasebook 3e

'Hasta la vista, baby!' is no way to address a Spanish police officer, 'Arriba! Arriba!' won't make the taxi go faster and 'Ay, carramba!' won't grab a waiter's attention. Use this book to say what yo...

Mexican Spanish Phrasebook 2e
2 wydania
Mexican Spanish Phrasebook 2e
R. Carmona

I would never have found this place, learned your name, shared a bottle of tequila - unless I'd opened this book… •local expressions and cultural facts •culinary guide to Mexico's world-famous cuisine...

Oxford Spanish Mini Dictionary 4e
Oxford Spanish Mini Dictionary 4e

This new edition of the Oxford Spanish Mini Dictionary offers up-to-date coverage of all the essential day-to-day vocabulary with over 40,000 words and phrases, and 60,000 translations. Now in attract...

Latin American Spanish Phrasebook 5e
2 wydania
Latin American Spanish Phrasebook 5e
R. Esposto

Speak the right lingo in country after country, for over 5,000 miles! This book covers the local Spanish of: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatem...

Oxford Colour Spanish Dictionary Plus 3e
Oxford Colour Spanish Dictionary Plus 3e

This is a brand new edition of the Oxford Colour Spanish Dictionary Plus. This dictionary is an effective and practical reference tool for any student, adult learner, or traveller. It is especially us...

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