
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "speed endem", znaleziono 5

Jaguar Speed and Style
Jaguar Speed and Style
M. Buckley

Beautifully styled, like the big cats themselves, the fully updated third edition of this well-received book provides a brief historical overview followed by authoritative descriptions of the cars - s...

High-Speed Electronics and Optoelectronics
High-Speed Electronics and Optoelectronics
S. Prasad

This authoritative account of electronic and optoelectronic devices operating at frequencies greater than 1 GHz covers the concepts and fundamental principles of operation, and, uniquely, their circui...

Compressibility Turbulence and High Speed Flow
Compressibility Turbulence and High Speed Flow
Thomas Gatski

This book introduces the reader to the field of compressible turbulence and compressible turbulent flows across a broad speed range through a unique complimentary treatment of both the theoretical fou...

Fruit and Seed Production
Fruit and Seed Production
C. Marshall

To challenge the reader to even try to understand the complexity of reproductive development of plants is a formidable task. Yet, the 11 chapters of this book do so admirably by presenting a palatable...

Clear Speech Class and Assessment Audio 4CD
Clear Speech Class and Assessment Audio 4CD
Judy B. Gilbert

Clear Speech, the world's favorite pronunciation series, helps students master the most important features of spoken English. The Clear Speech, Fourth Edition, Class and Assessment audio program inclu...

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