Stan prawny na 1.01.2008 r. Alternatywne formy rozwiązywania (Alternative Dispute Resolution) sporów sądowych zyskały ogromną popularność na świecie i w Europie, w tym także w Polsce. Funkcjonują one ...
Jeśli sport jest częścią realnego świata, to wśród osób go uprawiających znajdują się zarówno te z dobrymi, jak i złymi intencjami. Tak podpowiada zdrowy rozsądek. A jeżeli tak jest, to do sportu m...
Zagadnienie deliberacji stało się tematem współczesnych rozważań o polityce nade wszystko dzięki koncepcjom demokracji deliberatywnej Jürgena Habermasa i Johna Rawlsa. Choć odgrywają one w książce ro...
Niniejsza praca jest próbą rekonstrukcji myśli teoretycznej Stanleya Fisha na tle polskich dyskusji teoretycznoliterackich po 1989 roku. Praca podzielona jest na dwie części, w części pierwszej (rozd...
Gramatyka języka angielskiego
Niniejsza publikacja otwiera serię czterech rozpraw historyczno-filozoficznych poświęconych polemikom wokół polskich przekładów dzieł Immanuela Kanta z lat 1795?1918. Poświęcona została polemice wokół...
Reformacja była przełomem w historii Kościoła i tej części chrześcijaństwa, która do czasu zaistnienia tego zjawiska znajdowała się pod papieską obediencją. Rozłam wyznaniowy, który powstał tyleż w wy...
An original short story about Jack Reacher, available exclusively as a separate ebook (also included in the new complete Reacher story collection No Middle Name). Early in his military career, Jack ...
A Jack Reacher short story, published exclusively as an ebook: now also available in the new Reacher short story collection, No Middle Name. The tiny town of Naismith has nothing going for it - excep...
To many, an association between Jews and sports seems almost oxymoronic__yet Jews have been prominent in boxing, basketball, and fencing, and some would argue that hurler Sandy Koufax is America's gre...
Roughly one significant crime is committed in the US every three seconds. So it's not unlikely to find yourself witnessing one. Jack Reacher is minding his own business in a town in Maine when he see...
In this first of two collections of short stories, we find our favorite Sailor Guardians and their friends encountering new mysteries, enemies, allies, and once more saving the day. After the daughter...
The second collection of short stories actually consists of one long, and two short tales. The first and longest story pays homage to one of the oldest folk tales of Japan, “the Tale of the Bamboo Cut...
This 368-page volume covers Hellboy's adventures from 1961 to 1993, leading up to Seed of Destruction. It includes stories from the Hellboy collections The Troll Witch, The Chained Coffin, The Bride o...
The ultimate introduction to this supernatural hero features 16 standalone stories with Mignola’s greatest collaborators—stories that can be read in any order. In 1994, Mike Mignola released the firs...
Presents a concise survey of lexicology. This book surveys the study of words, providing an overview of basic issues in defining and understanding the word as a unit of language. It also examines the ...
From the emergence of the first Slavic state to the election of new President Dmitry Medvedev, this is a concise and thoughtful guide to the complex and turbulent history of Russia and its people. Pay...
Athletic injuries of the upper extremity are on a rise for numerous reasons. The incidents of 'weekend warrior' injuries continue to grow due to the baby boomers generation ideology of staying fit. In...
Sport and exercise physiologists are called upon to carry out physiological assessments that have proven validity and reliability, both in sport-specific and health-related contexts. A wide variety of...
"A Short History of Decay (1949)" is E. M. Cioran's nihilistic and wittycollection of aphoristic essays concerning the nature of civilization inmid-twentieth-century Europe. Touching upon Man's need t...
This collection of Somerset Maugham's short stories includes stories based in England, France and Spain, as well as the South Pacific. It includes "Rain", the tradgedy of a missionary and a prostitute...
The stories in this collection move from Malaya to the U.S. to England and include some of Maugham a tale of the unexpected love between a devout missionary nurse and a drunken reprobate.
This third volume of Maughams own experiences with the British Intelligence service in Switzerland, the stories are vignettes in which he dramatizes both the romance and absurdity of espionage as well...
This final classic collection reveals Somerset Maugham in Malaya and South East Asia.
This new edition has expanded with 16 new chapters focusing on hot topics such as the Female Athlete or Sports Specific Injuries, enhancing this already authoritative text. Sports Medicine: A Comprehe...
Globalization' has become one of the defining buzzwords of our time - a term that describes a variety of accelerating economic, political, cultural, ideological, and environmental processes that are r...
Almost every culture on earth has drink, and where there's drink there's drunkenness. But in every age and in every place drunkenness is a little bit different. It can be religious, it can be sexual, ...