
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stale empire", znaleziono 3

Building Empire State
Building Empire State
C. Willis

Constructed in 11 months, the Empire State Building, the world's tallest skyscraper for 40 years, was a marvel of modern engineering. In this book, a rediscovered notebook from the 1930s charts the co...

State of the American Empire
2 wydania
State of the American Empire
S. Burman

As the United States casts an increasingly dominant shadow in world affairs, resentment from the international community widens. In "The State of the American Empire", Stephen Burman lays bare the glo...

Governor Nelson A. Rockeffeller Empire State Plaza Art
Governor Nelson A. Rockeffeller Empire State Plaza Art
D. Andreson

Nelson A. Rockefeller, one of the greatest art patrons of the recent past and as yet unheralded for the extraordinary legacy he left behind, had an inspired vision for New York State's capital. While ...

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