This volume shows innovative temporary and commercial expressions of architecture. The stand designs shown here can be viewed as a three-dimensional version of marketing, bearing in mind the target au...
Od dawna wiadomo, że losy państwa, jak również istniejących w nim wyznań, najlepiej i zarazem najciekawiej można ukazać poprzez życiorysy wybitnych ludzi "uwikłanych w historię". Tak się jednak stało,...
New product presentation needs and the ever-growing importance companiesgive to attending trade shows and exhibitions has generated a new brand ofarchitecture whose capacity for innovation has drawn s...
The official edition of the consolidated text of the IASB's authoritative pronouncements. This edition presents in a single volume the latest version of International Financial Reporting Standards (IF...
This authoritative reference book gives thorough, practical guidance for anyone who needs to deal with standby letters of credit either professionally or academically. Augmented with examples of numer...