This book deals with theories and technologies for longevity, maintenance, disaster prevention, risk management, renovation and recycling of infrastructure as well as historical and cultural approache...
Pierwsza - i przez wielu uważana za najważniejszą - część rozmów Jacka Schwagera z wybitnymi traderami. Część z nich znana na pewno polskim Czytelnikom, nadal należy do najlepszych graczy na świecie -...
Edited by the 1989 Leibniz prizewinner Reinhard Stock, known for his research on the early universe plasma state, this is the latest reference on this rapidly changing field and has been completely re...
Ta przełożona na szesnaście języków książka zajmowała czołowe miejsca na amerykańskich listach bestsellerów, a w USA wydano ją w ponadmilionowym nakładzie. Nowatorski pomysł autora, naukowca biofizyk...
„Jeździłem po ruinach i zgliszczach stu zgładzonych gmin żydowskich w Polsce. Byłem pierwszym i jedynym pisarzem żydowskim, który odbył taką podróż, ale nie podróżowałem jako Żyd. Mój brytyjski paszpo...
Czasem widzimy tylko to, co chcemy zobaczyć. Czasem to, co widzimy, zmienia nasze spojrzenie na świat. Rosa, dziewczyna Jara Costello, popełniła samobójstwo, kiedy oboje studiowali w Cambridge. Nie m...
Rodzic wychowujący malucha z zaburzeniem integracji sensorycznej (SPD) nie zawsze jest w nastroju do zabawy, choć ta jest znakomitym narzędziem terapeutycznym, i nie zawsze wie, jak zająć się nie-zgra...
Zaburzenie integracji sensorycznej, problem, z którym boryka się piętnaście procent dzieci, to zjawisko, o którym w Polsce mówi się coraz więcej. Zaburzenie to ma ogromny wpływ na zachowanie najmłodsz...
Phonothek intensiv Aussprachetraining: - Praktische Hor- und Ausspracheubungen fur Lernende des Faches Deutsch als Fremdsprache - Einsetzbar ab dem Zertifikat Deutsch bzw. ab der Niveaustufe B1 (Gemei...
Zmiany wywołane pandemią COVID-19 – konieczność izolacji i dostosowania się do nowych wymogów sanitarnych, odstępstwa od ustalonego planu dnia, a także zamknięcie szkół i placówek opiekuńczych oraz...
A critical, practical look at the five stock valuation models most widely used by Wall Street Based on insights from the author's unique access to top investors, including legendary mutual fund manage...
In today's maturing railway industry, the key to getting - and staying - ahead is to keep up with the latest developments across all sectors involved in railway technology. There is pressure upon the ...
The global value of trading in index futures is about $20 trillion per year and rising and for many countries the value traded is similar to that traded on their stock markets. This book describes how...
The largest and most complete general stock catalog published in the world Easy to use and a real education for both professionals and novices Provides stock art buyers with direct access to photograp...
Market microstructure, the study of financial market frictions at a micro level, helps us refine our understanding of what may be driving market liquidity and provides tools to investors of all stripe...
This is a new edition of Janette Rutterford's classic textbook on the principles and practice of stock exchange investment. Fully updated to take account of all practical, technical and legal developm...
How any investor can bust a move in any stock market with five precise winning strategiesHot Stock Market Strategies encourages the average person who wants to make big money and keep them to take the...
This is simply the world's most useful book for personal investors who want to rely less on the so-called "experts" and more on their own intelligence and knowledge. In Fire Your Stock Analyst!, a San...
There is a seasonal bias to the stock market, and by paying attention to the seasonal market tendencies you can gain an edge in the stock market over the long haul. Seasonality offers a practical app...
For over 40 years, thousands of market players have turned to the historical patterns found only in the Stock Tradert get anywhere else.
The proliferation of brokers, salespeople, and other investment "professionals" has given some people a false sense of security and distracted them from developing an adequate understanding of the inv...
The Stock Traders Almanac is a practical investment tool with a wealth of information organized in a calendar format. It alerts readers to little-known market patterns and tendencies to help market pa...
An old adage warns against carrying all of your eggs in a single basket. Yet many investors maintain a significant portion of their wealth in one stock, as a result of executive compensation packages,...
A comprehensive guide to understanding the implications and applications of valuing employee stock options in light of the new FAS 123 requirements Due to the new requirements of the Proposed Statemen...
This pioneering classic in Dow Theory examines forecast value and trends within the stock market based on the Dow Theory of price movement. This finance classic offers tips and trends that William Ham...
This book presents the latest empirical findings on stock markets in a number of emerging markets, including Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe and Middle East and North Africa. In each case the auth...
In Becoming Your Own China Stock Guru, James Trippon, who runs the largest independent equity investment research firm in Mainland China, reveals how to profit from the investment opportunities availa...
With the current pension crisis and a raised retirement age, people today are under more pressure to financially secure their future. How the Stock Market Really Works provides you with all the key ad...
The contribution of research and development to a company's market value has grown considerably in recent years. In the mid-1970s, accountants were able to capture on their ledgers 90-95% of a firm's ...
The Financial Times Guide to Selecting Shares that Perform helps you identify the approach to buying and selling shares that will work best for you. It will help you to align your strategy based on th...