
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "stos sf i w", znaleziono 17

Preventive Conservation of Stone Objects
Preventive Conservation of Stone Objects

Ta książka adresowana jest do studentów, którzy chcą specjalizować się w restauracji i konserwacji zabytkowych obiektów z kamienia.

Enigma of Ferment From the Philosopher's Stone
Enigma of Ferment From the Philosopher's Stone
U. Lagerkvist

This popular account of the history of ferment takes the reader on a fascinating journey from its obscure origins in medieval medicine and alchemy to the modern concept of the enzyme. During the 19th ...

Pieśń dla głuchych. Biografia Kyuss / Queens of the Stone Age
Pieśń dla głuchych. Biografia Kyuss / Queens of the Stone Age

„...to był najgorszy show, jaki zagrałem w życiu. Pech chciał, że przed 40 tys. ludzi. Nie wiem, co nas podkusiło, że ja, Nick i Mark dziargaliśmy się cały poprzedni dzień a potem piliśmy całą noc. Dz...

Doors of Stone
Doors of Stone
Patrick Rothfuss
Cykl: Kroniki królobójcy, tom 3

Curse of Stone
Curse of Stone
Veronica Shade
Cykl: Academy of the Damned, tom 1

Supposedly, witches can’t kill. But Madison accidentally killed her boyfriend, and now a girl at her witch academy is dead, too. Madison spent her life avoiding her magical abilities, but when she’s...

City of Stone and Silence
City of Stone and Silence
Django Wexler

Django Wexler's City of Stone and Silence is the second book in the cinematic fantasy Wells of Sorcery Trilogy featuring a fierce young woman skilled in the art of combat magic on an epic mission to s...

House of Stone
House of Stone
Christina Lamb

In 2000, after Robert Mugabe had launched his controversial land reformprogramme, Nigel Hough held on to a fervent hope that he might keep holdof his ostrich farm. A few months later, however, he arri...

Shelters of Stone
Shelters of Stone
J. Auel

Ayla and Jondalar have reached home: the Ninth Cave of the Zelandonii, the old stone age settlement in the region known today as south-west France. Ayla has much to learn from the Zelandonii as well a...

Heart of Stone
Heart of Stone
Kelly Keaton
Cykl: Bogowie i potwory, tom 4

Set in New 2, a dangerous and lush alternate New Orleans, the fourth book in Keaton’s Gods & Monsters series, finds the God-killer Ari and Mistborn Sebastian on the hunt for Archer, infant son of Athe...

Wolf of Stone
Wolf of Stone
Quinn Loftis
Cykl: The Gypsy Healers, tom 2

Dalton Black, a Canis lupis full of guilt and anger, never expected to find his true mate. Perhaps already slipping into madness, he had resigned himself to the fact that he would walk the earth witho...

Heart of Stone
Heart of Stone
Cynthia Eden
Cykl: Bad Things, tom 5

She was created to tempt…and enchant. Sabrina Lark is a muse who has the ability to inspire any man…to do absolutely anything. Unfortunately for Sabrina, the latest human to fall under her spell has...

Stone of Tears
Stone of Tears
Terry Goodkind
Cykl: The Sword of Truth, tom 2

In denying his heritage Richard Cypher, grandson of the last true Wizard, accidentally ignores the Wizard's Second Rule... and it may be his undoing and the land's. Only one person holds the power to...

Gates of Thread and Stone
Gates of Thread and Stone
Lori M. Lee
Seria: Gates of Thread and Stone

W mieście ścian i sekretów, w którym tylko jeden człowiek może władać magią, siedemnastoletnia Kai walczy, by jej własny sekret nie wyszedł na jaw - dziewczyna może kierować nićmi czasu. Reev znalazł...

Rosetta Stone of the Human Mind
Rosetta Stone of the Human Mind
V. Sanguineti

The study of the brain-mind complex has been hampered by the dichotomy between objective biological neuroscience and subjective psychological science, based on speculative topographic models and psych...

Bus Stop and the Influence of the 70s on Fashion Today
Bus Stop and the Influence of the 70s on Fashion Today
L. Bender

A look at the iconic 1970s fashion chain and the influence the designs of the 70s have on today's fashion. Bus Stop was one of the key fashion stores of the 1970s. In this book, Lee Bender, the founde...

The Stone That the Builder Refused: A Novel of Haiti
The Stone That the Builder Refused: A Novel of Haiti
Madison Smartt-Bell
Cykl: Haitian Revolution, tom 3
Seria: Vintage Contemporaries

The Stone that the Builder Refused is the final volume of Madison Smartt Bell's masterful trilogy about the Haitian Revolution–the first successful slave revolution in history–which begins with All So...

In the Wake of Jomon Stone Age Mariners & a Voyage Across
In the Wake of Jomon Stone Age Mariners & a Voyage Across
E. Turk

The thrilling account of an extraordinary journey in the tradition of Kon-Tiki In 1996 a 9,500-year-old skeleton was found beside the Columbia River, galvanizing anthropologists with the possibility t...

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