
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "straz na empire", znaleziono 4

Adam Degler, Catalogue of Ancient Coins in the Ossoliński National Institute. Part 6: Coins of the Roman Empire. Pertinax Severus Alexander [Katalog starożytnych monet]
Adam Degler, Catalogue of Ancient Coins in the Ossoliński National Institute. Part 6: Coins of the Roman Empire. Pertinax Severus Alexander [Katalog starożytnych monet]
Adam Degler

Ossoliński zbiór monet rzymskich liczy blisko pięć i pół tysiąca egzemplarzy, z czego w kolejnych tomach Katalogu przedstawiono około trzech tysięcy. Seria ta nie ma odpowiedników w polskiej numizmaty...

Empire of Their Own How the Jews Invented Hollywood
Empire of Their Own How the Jews Invented Hollywood
N. Gabler

Profiles the early Hollywood studio moguls, examining how the movies of Fox, Mayer, and the Warners, among others, came to shape American values, myths, and traditions.

Archives of Empire v 1 From East India Company to Suez Canal
Archives of Empire v 1 From East India Company to Suez Canal
B. Harlow

A rich collection of primary materials, the multivolume Archives of Empire provides a documentary history of nineteenth-century British imperialism. Barbara Harlow and Mia Carter have carefully select...

Roman Coins and Their Values, Volume V
Roman Coins and Their Values, Volume V
David R. Sear
Seria: Roman Coins and Their Values

Roman Coins and their Values, Volume V: The Christian Empire: The Later Constantinian Dynasty and the Houses of Valentinian and Theodosius and their Successors, Constantine II to Zeno, AD 337 - 491 by...

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