
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "sweet snie", znaleziono 5

In Silence She Screams
In Silence She Screams
Amo Jones
Cykl: Midnight Mayhem, tom 3

Była uwięziona w przeszłości, dopóki ich nie spotkała. Lilith Patience ma koszmary. Czasami wydaje jej się, że nie kończą się one nawet po przebudzeniu. Przeszłość tkwi w jej pamięci tak mocno, że...

SME in Poland and Ukraine
SME in Poland and Ukraine
Krzysztof Łobos, Olena Yermoshkina

The monograph was taken about the conditions of the functioning and development of small and medium-sized companies in Poland and Ukraine. There is considerable disparity between the development of th...

Sweet Tooth, Vol. 2: In Captivity
Sweet Tooth, Vol. 2: In Captivity
Jeff Lemire
Cykl: Sweet Tooth, tom 2

Following on the heels of THE NOBODY, his Vertigo graphic novel debut, writer/artist Jeff Lemire pens his very first ongoing series SWEET TOOTH. A cross between Bambi and Cormac McCarthy's The Road, S...

Empowering SME Managers in Palestine
Empowering SME Managers in Palestine
Farhad Analoui, Mohammed Al-Madhoun

SMEs create employment, wealth and a potential for future growth. In Palestine they can also mean survival and freedom. In Palestine they are not a choice but a necessity for sustainable development....

See this image Follow the author Allan Gaw + Follow Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text
See this image Follow the author Allan Gaw + Follow Clinical Biochemistry: An Illustrated Colour Text
A. Gaw, Denis St. J. O'Reilly, Michael J. Stewart, James Shepherd

This book covers all the clinical biochemistry needed by undergraduate medical students. It is an Illustrated Colour Text with the subject matter divided into double-page spreads; this makes the infor...

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