
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "syla sobie", znaleziono 594

Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005
Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005
B. Beauchemin

"I come from a T-SQL background, so when I first laid my eyes on SQL Server 2005, I was shocked--and then, I was scared! I didn't have a CLR or XML background and suddenly had an urgent need to learn ...

Style and Ideology in Translation
Style and Ideology in Translation
Jeremy Munday

Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this book investigates the style, or 'voice', of English language translations of twentieth century Latin American writing, including fiction, political speeche...

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Bible
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Bible
P. Nielsen

Harness the power of SQL Server, Microsofts high-performance database and data analysis software package, by accesing everything you need to know in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Bible. Learn the best pra...

Passive Solar Architecture Pocket Reference
Passive Solar Architecture Pocket Reference
David I. Bainbridge

Our pocket reference books provide a wealth of practical information at your fingertips, whenever you need it. Rich in background detail, at-a-glance tables and diagrams, equations, and more, the Pass...

Icons of Men s Style
Icons of Men s Style

Womenswear progresses in leaps and bounds, fuelled by the readiness ofwomen to wear what may at the time be perceived as the radical oroutrageous. Not so with menswear menswear evolves, slowly. But fr...

The Solar System Poziom 4
The Solar System Poziom 4
Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley

Primary CLIL Readers: Explore Our World to nowa, dokumentalna seria, która łączy naukę języka angielskiego z poznawaniem zagadnień z innych obszarów kształcenia - przyrody, historii, geografii. Jest s...

Wonders of the Solar System
Wonders of the Solar System
Brian Cox, Andrew Cohen
Cykl: Wonders, tom 1
Seria: Wonders

Taking readers on a breathtaking visual and scientific adventure, renowned physicist Brian Cox reveals the Solar System as you have never seen it before: from Saturn's moons, where giant ice fountains...

Pavel Kohout To byl můj život?? (První díl) 1928-1979
Pavel Kohout To byl můj život?? (První díl) 1928-1979
Pavel Kohout

Wspomnienia czeskiego pisarza, który jest postrzegany w swym kraju w dość krańcowy sposób przez różnych ludzi. Autor cofa się aż do dzieciństwa, omawia trudne lata pięćdziesiąte i dochodzi w tej częś...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer's Guide
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer's Guide
M. Otey

Written by Michael Otey, recognized guru in the industry and Senior Technical Editor of SQL Server Magazine. |100% rewritten and reengineered. Dropping the introductory programming and database concep...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
2 wydania
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
B. Larson, M. Lisin

SQL Server Reporting enables the creation, management, and delivery of both traditional, paper-oriented reports and interactive, Web-based reports. An integrated part of the Microsoft business intelli...

Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion
Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion
T. Soga

"Nanostructured Materials for Solar Energy Conversion" covers a wide variety of materials and device types from inorganic materials to organic materials. This book deals with basic semiconductor physi...

Joe Celko's Analytics & OLAP in SQL
Joe Celko's Analytics & OLAP in SQL
J. Celko

Before SQL programmers could begin working with OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) systems, they had to unlearn procedural, record-oriented programming before moving on to SQLs declarative, set-ori...

Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel
Gordon S. Linoff

One of the leading experts on business data mining shows managers how to leverage SQL and Excel to perform sophisticated types of business analysis without the expense of data mining tools and consult...

Elements of UML TM 2.0 Style
Elements of UML TM 2.0 Style
Scott Ambler

For all developers who create models using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.x The Elements of UML® 2.0 Style sets the rules for style that will improve your productivity - especially in teams, wh...

MicrosoftR SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services
MicrosoftR SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services
B. Larson

Create and deliver data-rich reports across the enterprise using this complete server-based reporting solution. Written by a member of the original Reporting Services development team, Microsoft SQL S...

Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration
Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Administration
B. Knight

This book is a how-to guide for experienced DBAs.  The book will be loaded with unique tips, tricks and workarounds for handling the most difficult SQL Server admin issues, inlcuding: Managing and m...

Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming
Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Programming
R. Vieira

Beginning SQL Server 2008 Programming provides a comprehensive introduction to SQL Server.  The book begins with a quick overview of database design basics and the SQL query language, for those prog...

Solar Energy Fundamentals and Modeling Techniques
Solar Energy Fundamentals and Modeling Techniques
Z. Sen

Solar irradiation is the fundamental initiator of the different renewable energy alternatives, including wind, wave, hydrogen and biomass energy sources.

SQL Server 2008 Administration in Action
SQL Server 2008 Administration in Action
R. Colledge

This tutorial breaks down the role of "SQL Server Administrator" into its key focus areas and tasks while providing the techniques and practices that make an administrator effective.


In the same snappy format as the instant bestseller PhotoBox, thisanthology offers fresh perspectives on the timeless fashion essentials thatdefine style T-shirts, blue jeans, a white shirt, the littl...

Origin and Dynamics of Solar Magnetism
Origin and Dynamics of Solar Magnetism
M. Thompson

The book treats all aspects of solar magnetism, from its origin in the solar dynamo to its evolution annd dynamics that create the variability of solar phenomena, from its well-known 11-year activity ...

Der Fall Noel Field: Asyl in Ungarn 1954-1957. Tom 2.
Der Fall Noel Field: Asyl in Ungarn 1954-1957. Tom 2.
Werner Schweizer, Bernd-Rainer Barth

Drugi tom poświęcony Noelowi Fieldowi, komuniście i działaczowi społecznemu, Amerykaninowi z pochodzenia i obywatelowi Szwajcarii, który w ramach czystek stalinowskich w szeregach komunistów europejsk...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Programming
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedure Programming
D. Sunderic

Learn the design of stored procedures in both T-SQL and CLR languages such as C# and Visual Basic.NET|Learn how to use system stored procedures|Learn to develop all programmable database objects (such...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Changing the Paradigm
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Changing the Paradigm
R. Beatty

This book will prepare DBAs for upcoming changes in SQL Server 2005 and provides the essential skills required to minimize the surprises when SQL Server 2005 is released. This book will be based on SQ...

Surfers Soulies Skinheads & Skaters Subcultural Style from
Surfers Soulies Skinheads & Skaters Subcultural Style from
De La Haye

This photographic survey features extraordinary clothes worn by members of subcultures as diverse as beatniks and skinheads, punks and New-Age travellers. It covers streetstyle from the 1940s through ...

Oracle JDeveloper 10g for Forms & PL/SQL Developers
Oracle JDeveloper 10g for Forms & PL/SQL Developers
Peter Koletzke

The most efficient way to learn J2EE programming techniques Two Oracle experts demonstrate techniques for working within J2EE and JDeveloper for the thousands of developers currently using Oracle Form...

Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius
Solar Energy Projects for the Evil Genius
G. Harper

FOLLOW THE SUN TO MORE EVIL FUN! Let the sun shine on your evil side - and have a wicked amount of fun on your way to becoming a solar energy master! In this guide, the popular Evil Genius format ramp...

Susie and Sam. At the Jumble Sale
Susie and Sam. At the Jumble Sale
Judy Hamilton

Through these new stories, charmingly ilustrated by Mimi Everett, younger children will share, with Susie & Sam, the many new events and first experiences that they encounter in everyday life.

Software Developers Journal LINQ TO SQL 6/2008
Software Developers Journal LINQ TO SQL 6/2008

* ActiveRecords nie tylko Rails... * LINQ TO SQL... * XML w większej Scali... * Mobile 3D Graphics piszemy grę na komórkę... * Hibernate... * Java Microedition metody integracji aplikacji... * Unix pi...

Sly Fox and Red Hen Level 2
Sly Fox and Red Hen Level 2

A Level Two title for beginner readers who can read short simple sentences with help, the Sly Fox and Red Hen continues to delight.

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