This third volume in the series treats the physical aspects of polymers and colloids, including entropic attraction and ordering, inhomogeneous rod and platelet fluids, patterned substrates, and melti...
Soft Matter encompasses a wide range of systems of varying components,including synthetic and biological polymers, colloids, and amphiphiles. The distinguishing features of these systems is their char...
Soft Matter encompasses a wide range of systems of varying components, including synthetic and biological polymers, colloids, and amphiphiles. The distinguishing features of these systems is their cha...
Soft power jest jednym z narzędzi wykorzystywanych do osiągnięcia wiodącej pozycji przez państwa azjatyckie. Jest to międzynarodowa wymiana kulturalna, współpraca i dyplomacja kulturalna, pomoc gospo...
Soft matter science is nowadays an acronym for an increasingly important class of materials, which ranges from polymers, liquid crystals, colloids up to complex macromolecular assemblies, covering siz...
This board book is all about the things babies like, from cuddles to a cosy bed.
This issue will include articles on the following subjects: Molecular Genetics; Classification and Pathology; Imaging Modalities(MRI, CT, PET); Extremity Sarcoma; Breast Sarcomas; Truncal Sarcoma; Ret...