Touchstone, together with Viewpoint, is a six-level English program based on research from the Cambridge English Corpus. Touchstone uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning the l...
'Touchstone', together with 'Viewpoint', is a six-level English program based on research from the Cambridge English Corpus. 'Touchstone' uses a corpus-informed syllabus ensuring students are learning...
Viewpoint is an innovative course that's based on extensive research into the Cambridge English Corpus, taking students to a higher level of proficiency to become effective communicators. Viewpoint Le...
General Relativity: An Introduction for Physicists provides a clear mathematical introduction to Einstein's theory of general relativity. It presents a wide range of applications of the theory, concen...
As food demand has grown worldwide, agricultural production has intensified with a concomitant expansion in pesticide use. Concerns over pesticide-induced health and environmental problems, increased ...
This practical text, written by four key researchers in the field, offers an effective approach to the management and treatment of back pain based on applications of biomechanics. By linking the clin...
This publication provides an international overview of architecture for Jewish museums, synagogues, community centers, and schools in the early 21st century. The projects represent the most important...
Widely praised for its student-friendly style and exceptional artwork and pedagogy, Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain is a leading undergraduate textbook on the biology of the brain and the systems th...
Rehabilitation medicine is a new and growing specialty. Rehabilitation services are now available in most UK hospitals and rehabilitation has an increasing presence in the community. There is a strong...
This reference work gives comprehensive coverage of the biology and control of African, Asian and South American trypanosomiasis in man and animals. It describes recent research developments in the bi...
The thoroughly updated Second Edition of this popular and widely used pocket reference guides the trauma team through every aspect of patient care after injury--from prehospital care, to resuscitation...
With a strong emphasis on application--without neglecting research and science--this text focuses on helping students use the findings and knowledge of psychology in their own lives and careers. As th...
Leksykon zawiera ponad 2 200 pojęć i wiele rysunków z zakresu ekonomii. W sposób kompetentny, precyzyjnie i zrozumiale wyjaśnia najważniejsze problemy z dziedziny polityki pieniężnej i fiskalnej, poli...
Provides a comprehensive yet concise and practical guide to the full range of clotting and bleeding disorders encountered in clinical practice. Presented in three sections, this book informs and advis...
This highly practical diagnostic tool is an indispensable resource for both the office and the noninvasive cardiovascular laboratory. The accompanying CD contains images and video-clips displaying the...
Volume one sets the context for all three volumes in the series. Volume two provides insights into research on different management accounting practices. This third and final volume features contribut...
Essential procedures for the measurement and reporting of fair value in Financial statements Trusted specialists Michael Mard, James Hitchner, and Steven Hyden present reliable and thorough guidelines...
There have been many changes in children’s orthopaedics and considerable developments in fracture management, markedly improved use of external fixators and the scientific development of, for example,...
Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective 3rd edition provides a comprehensive, lively, contemporary and practical introduction to consumer behaviour. It shows how research and concepts in this subj...
Computational and theoretical tools for understanding biological processes at the molecular level is an exciting and innovative area of science. Using these methods to study the structure, dynamics an...
Large-scale survey datasets, in particular complex survey designs such as panel data, provide a rich source of information for health economists. They offer the scope to control for individual hetero...
The Savage Sword of Conan Volume 8 features some of the most anxiously awaited Conan stories from the Savage Sword era, including the two—part "Daughter of the God King" story. The skilled Conan mains...
This book offers a new approach to the subject of macroeconomics. Drawing upon his vast experience of teaching, researching and advising the U.S. government on Economy policy has enabled the author to...
This text offers an ideal introduction to a course in Financial Accounting. It follows a traditional organization for a course combining both "preparer" and "user" approaches. Focusing on 4 key areas ...
This book covers all the clinical biochemistry needed by undergraduate medical students. It is an Illustrated Colour Text with the subject matter divided into double-page spreads; this makes the infor...
Pricingis far and away the most sensitive profit lever available. Still, few companies or managers execute pricing well, and most regularly miss valuable opportunities. Whether testing the techniques ...
This book is the second in a continuing series of publications listing and identifying all illustrations contained in English manuscripts from the time of Chaucer to Henry VIII. This was a prolific pe...
Learning trigonometry concepts can be a difficult and frustrating process. The tenth edition of this successful book helps readers gain a strong understanding of these concepts by discovering how trig...
In The Savage Sword of Conan Volume 7, Conan faces brigands; magicians; gigantic mutated creatures; nameless, hideous demons; and a tenacious new foe — the disfigured, metal-clad Captain Sharaq. Some ...
In pursuit of adventure—and the world’s rarest treasures—Lara circles the globe... and even goes off the edge of the map. Journey along on her most memorable expeditions as she teams up with a treasur...