This 2nd edition book is written for the two-year Math SL Diploma course. It follows the syllabus closely. Plenty of worked examples with step-by-step instructions, well-graded problems, and revision ...
With an eye on new technology and a concern for safety and durability in engineering design, this book covers the entire area of mechanical behavior of materials from a practical engineering viewpoint...
Praise for Sarbanes-Oxley Guide for Finance and Information Technology Professionals "Effective SOX programs enlist the entire organization to build and monitor a compliant control environment. Howeve...
This is highly-praised book contains 90 OSCE stations grouped under the type of skill being tested, but also indexed by body system. The stations all have detailed answers, underlining the nature of t...
Provides simplified and refined procedures applicable to design and to accessing design limitations, while offering guidance to design specifications, codes and standards currently applied to the stab...
DIVNeuroscience for the Study of Communicative Disorders, Third Edition remains an ideal resource that teaches neuroscience fundamentals without encyclopedic details of anatomy and physiology. This te...
This fourth edition of a publication based on the "MLA Style Sheet," begun more than 40 years ago, includes a great deal of information about using and citing electronic sources. Designed as a "compre...
This book examines and evaluates the strategies utilized to design and synthesis pharmaceutically active agents. Significant updates over the last 10 years since the publication of the 1st edition in...
Using the author's considerable experience of applying Mathcad to engineering problems, "Essential Mathcad" introduces the most powerful functions and features of the software and teaches how to apply...
Do you need to brush up on your statistical skills to truly excel in your economics or business course? If you want to increase your confidence in statistics then this is the perfect book for you. The...
From the bestselling author of Ecohouse, this fully revised edition of Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change provides unique insights into how we can protect our buildings, cities, infra-st...
In the same simple, easy-to-understand language that marked the first edition, Total Quality Process Control for Injection Molding, Second Edition lays out a successful plan for producing superior pla...
This edition has been completely reorganized and expanded. It corresponds directly to the updated textbook "Life Span Motor Development", third edition. The learning activity guide, which replaces the...
The systems described in this text have a profound effect on the behaviour of managers throughout financial depositories in areas such as: origination; servicing and brokerage; product-line operating ...
Be My Guest: English for the Hotel Industry
Convenient and portable, this set of 450 review cards provides an easy way for students to study for the NCLEX-RN examination. It contains 1,221 NCLEX exam-style questions, including the new alternate...
Ideal as a companion to a statistics or research methods text or as a stand-alone guide, Using SPSS for Social Statistics and Research Methods shows readers how to use SPSS software in statistical dat...
With her breakout book It’s OK That You’re Not OK, Megan Devine struck a chord with thousands of readers through her honest, validating approach to grief. In her same direct, no-platitudes style, she...