Where did the term "cold turkey" come from? Is "wassup?" a real word? why is the word colonel pronounced (KUR-nel) instead of (COL-loh-nel)? This handy reference book explores the histories and usages...
Forget the bunny trail. E. Aster Bunnymund is on a warpath. In this second chapter book in William Joyce’s The Guardians series, sometimes you have to crack a few eggs. Pitch, the Nightmare King, and...
From the national bestselling author of Racing Weight, Matt Fitzgerald exposes the irrationality, half-truths, and downright impossibility of a “single right way” to eat, and reveals how to develop ra...
Mary Queen of Scots fervently believed she had a right to the English throne - a belief that cost her her head. A vivid account of why she came to this belief from an acclaimed Tudor historian The str...