
Wyniki wyszukiwania dla frazy "za to malay", znaleziono 5

Szkice malajskie
Szkice malajskie
Alfian Sa’at

Szkice malajskie swoją nazwę zaczerpnęły od książki z anegdotami gubernatora brytyjskiej kolonii na półwyspie malajskim, Franka Swettenhama, z 1895 roku. W rękach Alfiana Sa’ata szkice te przeobrażaj...

Malay-English English-Malay Dictionary
Malay-English English-Malay Dictionary
A.E. Coope

This is the most modern and comprehensive dictionary available for the Malay language. This dictionary includes phrases, idioms and examples of simple sentences. It uses the system of spelling introdu...

Malay Phrasebook 3e
2 wydania
Malay Phrasebook 3e

The national language of Malaysia is a surprisingly easy language to wrap your tongue around. Words are largely pronounced phonetically - so dive in and leave that language barrier in the dust.two-way...

Singapore in the Malay World
Singapore in the Malay World
Lily Zubaidah Rahim

This new appraisal of their relationship offers groundbreaking new insights into the way in which the Malaysian and Singapore states see both themselves and each other.

Sunset of the Empire in Malaya
Sunset of the Empire in Malaya
T. Taylor

In this rich and rewarding memoir, T.K. Taylor describes his experiences in schools from Kuala Lumpur to Johore Bahru. Full of vivid anecdote and sharply observed historical detail, his writing takes ...

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