• Program nauczania religii w klasie 2 to kontynuacja programu poznanego w poprzednim roku nauki. • Podzielony jest na 5 działów i zawiera 56 jednostek lekcyjnych. Zasugerowany układ ma pomóc ucznio...
Napisz scenariusz własnego życia Kiedyś tylko prowadziłyśmy dom i byłyśmy wierne. A teraz? Mamy robić karierę, dużo zarabiać, olśniewać wszystkich dookoła, a poza tym prowadzić dom... Jak to wszystko ...
Scientist Jackson Oz has discovered that all around the world, animals have started attacking humans. Jackson and fellow scientist Chloe set out to warn scientists and politicians about the attacks, ...
ZOO Jamesa Pattersona był dopiero początkiem. Planeta jest wciąż w fazie gwałtownego oblężenia przez dzikie zwierzęta. Ludzie są zdesperowani ich łupem. Niektórzy ludzie ewoluują do mutacji dzikich ga...
Trzeci tom wspomnień Wincentego Witosa (1874-1945), rolnika, działacza ruchu ludowego, polityka, publicysty.
Volume 3: Hot Zone is the third volume of the 28 Days Later comic series, containing Issue 9 to 12. It contains the arc of the comic series focusing upon the group's attempts to travel across infected...
Oxygen-ozone therapy is a complementary approach less known than homeopathy and acupuncture because it has come of age only three decades ago. This book clarifies that, in the often nebulous field of ...
Who knew the stars of the Central Park Zoo - Alex the Lion, Gloria the Hippo, Marty the Zebra and Melman the Giraffe - would find themselves fending for themselves on the island of Madagascar? Colorfu...
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). This contains full explanations working with the Student's Book material and...
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Level 1 Student's Book will get and keep your students talking, using re...
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Level 3 Student's Book will get and keep your students talking, using re...
Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2). The Level 4 Student's Book will get and keep your students talking, using re...