Andrea Fabianelli
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Andrea Fabianelli

Dr Andrea Fabianelli is Master of Science in Dental Materials and PhD in Dental Materials.

During the last 20 years he was enrolled in the University of Siena, Faculty of Dentistry as Visiting Professor of Dental Materials, School of Dental Hygenist, Visiting Professor of Dental Materials, Visiting Professor of Operative Dentistry, Professor of Basic Principles of Dentistry, Professor of Restorative I.

From 2007 till 2009 he was Researcher of Dental Materials, School of Dentistry, University of Siena, Italy

He has been Visiting lecturer in Sheffield University, Genova University and in Brescia University. At the moment he collaborate with several universities

He is Teacher in Prosthodontics in several master courses

Dr Fabianelli is member the Academy of Operative Dentistry, Academy of R.V. Tucker Gold Inlay Study Club, Massironi Study Club in Prosthodontic, and member of Bio-Emulation Group, active member of the Italian restorative group “Amici di Brugg”.

Author of several articles on restorative and prosthetic dentistry and speaker in several congresses and dental meetings

Author of the books “La protesi fissa con margini di chiusura verticali” and “La Protesi Implantare” Elsevier Publishing and author of PhD textbook “ A STUDY INTO THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TRACING MICROLEAKAGE BY COLOR DIE INFILTRATION”.


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Implantoprotetyka. Zalety, przeciwwskazania, rozwiązania praktyczne
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Protezy stałe z bezstopniowym uszczelnieniem brzeżnym. Postępowanie kliniczne i laboratoryjne
Ezio Bruna, Andrea Fabianelli

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