Recent advances in skull base surgery are revolutionizing the field. Besides the critical location issue, the major problem in lateral skull base surgery is understanding the complex relations between...
This exquisitely illustrated new edition of Sanna's atlas provides the reader with simple and efficient visual training in the evaluation and diagnosis of ear canal and middle ear pathology as seen th...
Based on more than 30 years of experience and 12,000 clinical cases, this state-of-the-art guidebook provides clear, step-by-step instructions on the latest middle ear and mastoid microsurgeries. The ...
This work focuses on the latest techniques and developments in the complex field of middle ear surgery, and covers advances in stapes surgery; cholesteatoma surgery; implantable hearing aids; and more...
Part of a series of video-cassettes based on the author's book, "Atlas of Temporal Bone and Lateral Skull Base Surgery", this PAL cassette looks at the infratemporal fossa approach (type A) to the sur...
Part of a series of video-cassettes based on the author's book, "Atlas of Temporal Bone and Lateral Skull Base Surgery", this PAL cassette looks at the enlarged translabyrinthine approach to the surgi...
Part of a series of video-cassettes based on the author's book, "Atlas of Temporal Bone and Lateral Skull Base Surgery", this is part one of the PAL cassette which looks at the system of the modified ...
Part of a series of video-cassettes based on the author's book, "Atlas of Temporal Bone and Lateral Skull Base Surgery", this is part two of the PAL cassette which looks at the system of the modified ...